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:: . type II diabetics Comparison between the effect of group education and group counseling on emotional self-care in type II diabetics [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: 25(OH)D3. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and its related factors in AqQala city in 2016 [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: 8-OHdG. Comparison between oxidative stress (8-OhdG, MDA) and atherogenic risk (AIP) factors in type 2 diabetics and healthy people: a case-control study [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: A549 cell line Effects of morphine on proliferation of A549 lung cancer [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: AAPH radical. Antioxidant properties of Ziziphus Jujuba Mill. aqueous extract of and its preventive role on RBC hemolysis induced by AAPH [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: ATLL A case report of liver Involvement during adult T-cell leukemia / lymphoma [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: AZF. Molecular investigation of Y chromosome microdeletions in AZF regions of the non-obstructive azoospermic and oligospermic patients referred to Montaseriyeh infertility center in Mashhad [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Academic Optimism of Students Designing an Academic Optimism Causal model Based on Psychological Capital Components by Mediating psychological climate among the Students of Farhangian University [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Academic Performances Comparison of Academic Self-efficacy, Academic Engagement and Academic Performance Between Birjand University of Teachers and Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Academic libraries Library users' satisfaction rate at the central library of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Acid fast bacilli A comparison of Fluoresence microscipy with the Ziehl-Neelsen and technique for the detection of acid-fast bacilli [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Actinomycosis Pelvic actinomycosis: a case report [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Acute coronary syndrome The impact of self-care education on life expectancy in acute coronary syndrome patients [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Acute inferior MI Study of smoking effects on cardiac conduction defects in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Acute renal failure Clinical and laboratory evaluation of rhabdomyolysis in 165 patients with severe acute poisonings [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Addiction Relationship between opium addiction and cardiovascular risk factors [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Adiponectin Determination of serum adiponectin relationship with insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Adolescents Prevalence of mobile dependency and adolescence aggression [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Adsorption Investigation of Cr(VI) removal from aqueous solutionsefficiency by almond green hull and its ash [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Adult females Determination of cephalic index and shape of head in adult female students in Birjand city during 2013 [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Ages & Stages Questionnaires A comparison of healthy children and children of patients with congenital hypothyroidism treated under treatment with Some evolutionary indicators [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Ahwaz Study of nutritional knowledge of Ahwaz high school girls and the education effect [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Algorithm Comparison of traditional instruction with chart- based instruction on the detection of hyperlucency in chest radiographies pertaining to first year clinical students [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Alkaline phosphatase Measurement of affinity constant of Anti-human IgG Monoclonal antibodies with alkaline phosphatas enzyme by an ELISA-based method [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Allergic diseases Recombinant allergens as a new diagnostic tool for allergic diseases [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Alnus subcordata Total phenolic and flavonoid bark Acer velutinum and Alnus subcordata, and evaluation of their antioxidant effects [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Aloe Vera. Effect of Alcoholic Extract of Aloe Vera Gel (Aloe barabadensis) on Serum Urea, Uric Acid and Creatinine Levels and Tissue Structure of Kidney in Adult Mature Mice Treated with Ethidium Bromide [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Anemia. Effects of ω3 fatty acid supplement on anemia and hematologic factors in hemodialysis patients* [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Angiogenesis Angiogenesis in acute leukemia and comparing it with normal bone marrow [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Animal Models. Evaluation of the antidepressant-like effect of Viola odorata hydroalcoholic extract in male mice [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Anopheles Identifying Anophele fauna in Qayenat city in the South khorasan Province (2010-2011) [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Anti EBV Ab titer Frequency of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) anti-antibody titer in 0-14 year old children referred to Aliasghar clinic in Zahedan [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: AntiTG-Ab Association between Spontaneous abortion and Presence of anti thyroid antibodies in mother’s serum [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Antibacterial effects Characterization and evaluation of the antibacterial activities of silver nanoparticle synthesized with Plantago lanceolata seed extract [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Antibiotic Study of shigella genera and their drug resistance in dysenteric patients referring to Nehbandan health -care centers and health houses [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Antibiotic Resistance Antibiotic resistance pattern and biofilm production in Staphylococcus aureus isolates and Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from hospital infections Tehran in 2016 [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Antibiotic resistance The frequency of aerobic-bacterial and fungal infections of the external auditory canal and their sensitivity to routine antibiotics in Birjand [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Antibiotic resistance Isolation of Citrobacter spp. from Blood Specimens in Patients Hospitalized in Kermanshah Imam Khomeini hospital and determination of the of isolates sensitivity to antibiotics: Short Communication [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Antibiotic therapy The efficacy of antibiotic therapy on recovery of tonsilectomy and adenotonsillectomy [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Antifungal In Vitro Investigation of Antifungal Activities of Actinomycetes against Microsporum gypseum [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Antifungal Variety of antibacterial and antifungal activity of Thymus kotschyanus essential oil collected from fourteen regions of Iran [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Antioxidant Activities Investigating the effect of Sulforaphane on Angiogenesis in Chick’s Chorioallantoic membrane and its antioxidant activities [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Antioxidant activity Various antioxidant properties of essential oil and hydroalcoholic extract of Artemisa persica: Short Communication [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Antioxidants organophosphorous nerve agents poison [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Antioxidants. The effect of pre-nutrition of hydroalcoholic extractof Origanum vulgare on brain edema and neurologic deficits in a rat stroke model [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Anxiety Effects of lead (Pb) exposure on anxiety in rats [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Apoptosis. Reduction of cell growth and induction of apoptosis in osteosarcoma cells by silver nanoparticles [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Aqueous Environments Evaluation of Single-Walled and Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes efficiency for removal of Acetaminophen from Aquatic Solutions: Isotherm and kinetic adsorption study [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Aqueous Solutions Evaluation of the Electro-Fenton efficiency in removal of Antibiotic Metronidazole from aqueous solutions [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Aqueous and methanol extracts Investigation of antifungal activity of methanol and aqueous extracts of walnut (Juglans regia) leaves and peel against candida species [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Arms-PCR Mutation spectrum of beta-thalassemia among carriers in Birjand and Amirabad village [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Assessment. Evaluation of effective variables of medical history for N-Acetyl cysteine prescription in acetaminophen poisoned patients [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Atherosclerosis Correlations between coronary atherosclerosis and either total or differential leukocyte count [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Atherosclerosis Evaluation of cis and trans fatty acid profiles in a Camel's hump and meat consumed in Birjand and Nehbandan cities [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Atherosclerotic carotid intima media thickness. The role of non- alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)in the occurrence of CVDs through measuring carotid intima-media thickness [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Atrial fibrillation Predictors of left artrial clot in patients with mitral valve surgery-a case control study [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Atrial natriuretic peptide. Effect of high intensity interval training and L-Arginine supplementation on serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 21 and atrial natriuretic peptide in overweight and obese young men [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Atrial septal defect Early results of repairing atrial septal defect comparing anterolateral thoracotomy and complete sternotomy [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Attachment Style The Effectiveness of emotionally-focused couple therapy on the style of attachment and sexual satisfaction of couples [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Attitude Impact of mobile-based education on time and place management study, Resource management (effort and planning) and reviewing learners' attitude about this learning style [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Attitude A Study of Birjand University students' knowledge and attitude towards taking Ecstasy pills [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Attitudes Effects of nutrition education on knowledge and attitudes of type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Axillary lymph node Evaluation of axillary lymph node involvement in patients with breast cancer according to sentinel lymph node involvement [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Azithromycin Comparison of Azithromycin and Ciprofloxacin in treating adults' acute non amebiasis dysenter [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Azoospermia A Case report: Curable Azoospermia Due to Ejaculatory Duct Cyst in a 22 Years Old Male [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: BMI Surveying pregnant women's nutritional status and some factors affecting it in cases referring to Shahrood health-care centers [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Bacterial A case report of Post-Varicella Epiglottitis [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Balb/C The local effect of Persian Gulf brittle star (Ophiocoma erinaceus) alcoholic extract on cutaneous wound healing in Balb/C mouse [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Barium swallow Infected esophageal duplication cyst in an adult man- A Case Report. [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Beck test Prevalence of depression among new registered students in Birjand University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2009-2010 [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Beta blocker Comparison of carvedilol and metoprolol in heart failure management [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Beta-cell function Effect of aerobic exercise on Pancreas Beta-cells function in adult obese males [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Bifidobacterium lactis. Study on effect of Artemisia sieberi hydro-alcoholic extract on the survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis in probiotic yoghurt [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Bioaerosols Density of bacterial particles cultivable in the inside and outside air of kindergartens in Birjand, Iran during 2019 [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Birjand Prevalence of mental disorders in Birjand – 2010 [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Birjand Assessment of noise pollution indices in Birjand old districts in 2010 [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Birjand Prevalence of Internet Addiction and its relationship with anxiety, stress, and depression in intermediate students in Birjand city in 2014 [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Birjand Concentrations of chromium and copper in the ground water and drinking water distribution network of Birjand, 2009-2010 [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Birjand Comparison of depression prevalence in medical students between the first and last years of Birjand University of Medical Sciences: Brief Article [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Birjand Prevalence of malnutrition in adults admitted to the hospitals affiliated to Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2011 [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Birjand Prevalence of high blood pressure in primary school children in Birjand-Iran [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Birjand An epidemiological study of epilepsy and some clinical aspects of hospitalized epileptic patients in Birjand Valli-e-Asr hospital (2004-2006) [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Birjand Evaluation of Vali Asr (aj) hospital effluent for irrigation of the green [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Birjand A case report of Wolman disease in an Iranian neonate [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Birjand Evaluation of prostate specific antigen (PSA) level in healthy Birjandi males aged 40 to 80 years [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Birjand Evaluate the serum level of magnesium, manganese, and selenium in patients with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer in South Khorasan in 2018 [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Birjand The effect of instruction on knowledge and attitude of couples attending pre-marriage consultation classes [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Birjand The epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Birjand (1996-2006) [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Birjand Survey of observing educational rules and regulations by educational staff in different faculties of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Birjand Evaluating Puberty health program effect on knowledge increase among female intermediate and high school students in Birjand [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Birjand Bacterial contamination of salads and vegetables offered in restaurants and fast food in Birjand city in 2015 [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Birjand Growth normogram in 11-14 year old female students in Birjand and its comparison with National Center for Health Statistic (NCHS) standard [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Birjand Study of hygienic status of schools in Birjand during year 2007-2008 [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Birjand Prevalence and risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm in people over 65 years old who referred to the ultrasound centers of educational hospitals in Birjand in 2014 [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Birjand Evaluation of pregnant women weight gain in Birjand Health Centers in 2007 [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Birjand Microscopic isolation and characterization of free living amoebae (FLA) from surface water Birjand, the capital city of the South Khorasan [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Birjand Social and psychological characteristics of suicide attempters in comparison with normal individuals in Birjand [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Birjand Universities A survey about effective factors on the marital satisfaction in employees of two Birjand universities [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Birjand University of Medical Sciences Surveying Birjand faculty members’, paramedical and nursing students' viewpoints on educational evaluation plan [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Birjand University of Medical Sciences Academic staff and students' impressions on academic evaluation of students in Birjand University of Medical Sciences and Health Services [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Birjand University of Medical Sciences Evaluation of Scientific Output of Researchers at Birjand University of Medical Sciences in Web of Science during 2000-2011 [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Birjand University of Medical Sciences Medical students’ viewpoints on the quality of morning report sessions [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Birjand. Epidemiological study of self-medication and its associated factors among visitors to Birjand pharmacies, 2015 [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Birjand. Prevalence of Salmonella in poultry carcasses serotypes in Birjand industrial slaughterhouses [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Birjand. Investigation of Sulfate concentration influence on Anaerobic Lagoon performance: Birjand Wastewater Treatment plant: A Case study [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Birjand. Measurement of CO concentrations in indoor and atmospheric ambient air of Birjand (September 2012 to March 2013) [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Blood bank Study of Blood Utilisation in Vali-e Asr educational hospital in Birjand Iran: Short Communication [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Blunt The role of sonography in diagnosis of the Internal Abdominal Injuries due to trauma [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Body fat percentage Impact of resistance training and ketogenic diet on body composition factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Bojnurd city Acanthamoeba Strains genotypes prevalence in water Sources in Bojnurd City: Short Communication [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Bony Defect Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy of different image processing algorithms in the diagnosis of jawbone defects [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Brain infarction Effect of olive oil on the cerebral reperfusion following ischemia injuries in rat [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Breast cancer Effects of health education on knowledge, attitude and practice of female teachers in Yazd intermediate schools on breast cancer [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Bruininks- Oseretsky Test Effect of Spark Motor Program on the development of gross motor skills in intellectually disabled educable boys [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Burn patients Survey of correlation between pain and anxiety in burn patients [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Burns Effect of alcoholic extract of green tea (Camellia sinensis) on the healing process in surgical and burn wounds in rats [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: CBCT Comparison of diagnostic efficacy of conventional radiography, digital radiography and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in apical root resorptions [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: CCL22 Investigation of single nucleotide polymorphism of the CCL22 gene at position 16C/A in patients with gestational trophoblastic disease [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: CDC Body mass index nomogram in 7-12 year old children in Birjand and comparing it with CDC [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: CPK The effect of a single dose of morphine on muscle fatigue indices in male rats [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Cadmium Accumulation of toxic metals of cadmium and lead in the deciduous teeth of children [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Calcium Intracranial physiologic calcification in pineal gland and choroid plexus in patients referred to CT scan ward of Imam Reza hospital, Birjand (1998-2006) [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Calcium oxalate. Effect of aqueous extract of “eryngium campestre” on the prevention of pathologic alterations caused by calcium oxalate crystals induced by ethylene glycol in the cortex and medulla of rats’ kidneys [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Cancer Epidemiologic retrospective study of neoplasms of prostate gland in Birjand (South Khorasan province) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Capparis spinosa fruit Effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Capparis spinosa on histomorphological changes of pancreas in diabetic rats model [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Cardiovascular Disease. A 12- week water aerobic exercise and atorvastatin effect on Changes of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Brain Natriuretic Peptide in older men with cardiovascular diseases [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Cardiovascular diseases : Nutritional knowledge attitude and practice of health professionals about cardiovascular diseases. [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Celiac disease Undiagnosed celiac disease in a patient with polyarthritis: Case Report [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Cell Viability Comparison on Anticancer Effects of phenolic Compounds, Gallic Acid and Para Coumaric Acid on Human Breast Cancer Cells [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Central vein A life- threatening rare complication in a six year old boy who underwent cardiac operation [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Cerebellum Studying of chronic multiple sequential stress effects on microscopic structure of cerebellar cortex in male rat [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Cervix Brush Comparison of Cervix Brush with Spatula Ayres for obtaining endocervical cells [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Cesarean Comparison of Metoclopramide and low dose Propofol for prophylaxis of nausea & vomiting after cesarean section [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Characteristic Aptamers: Isolation, modification, characteristics, and applications [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Chemical-Pharmaceutical Waste. Quantity analysis of solid waste in the dentistry offices in birjand, 2017 [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Chemotherapy Evaluation of sexual function and its related factors in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy referred to Iran-Mehr Medical Center in Birjand, 2018 [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Childhood Accidents Storytelling, a new approach in empowering mothers in the prevention of childhood accidents [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Children Effectiveness of happiness training program on self-esteem and depression of elementary(10-11 year old) school children [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Children Prevalence of atopic dermatitis and its risk factors in 2-5 years old children at kindergartens of Birjand city (2008) [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Chlorpyrifos Effect of chlorpyrifos on the level of hippocampal caspase 9 in male rats: Short Commuincation [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Cholangitis Extraordinary elevated CA19-9 in patient with common bile duct stones and cholangitis Case report [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Chromium Investigation of Chromium Removal Efficiency from aqueous Solution Using of Powdered Activated Carbon Produced using Ultrasonic Waves [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Cinnamon The Protective Effect of Cinnamon Hydroalcoholic Extract on Testicular Tissue changes and Fertility Capacity in Male Rats Exposed to Noise Stress [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Cinnarizine The Comparison of Ginkgo biloba and Cinnarizine effectiveness in tinnitus intensity of patients with subjective tinnitus [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Clerck Application of extended model of planned behavior in predicting helmet wearing among motorcyclist clerks in Yazd (2006) [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Clinical Trials. Effect of Atorvastatin on blood and gasometrical parameters in patients with COPD: A double-blind controlled clinical trial: Short Communication [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Clinical response Comparaison of oral ciprofloxacin with parenteral ceftriaxone in treatment of acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis in women [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Clinical symptoms Cardial myxoma associated with clinical weakness and thorombocytopenia: case report [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Clinical symptoms Study of patients with acute pulmonary edema in the cardiology department of Imam Reza Hospital [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Cognitive Behavior Therapy. The Effectiveness of schema group therapy on attachment styles (secure, insecure anxiety & insecure avoidance) and symptoms in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Cognitive behavioral stress management Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral stress management on depression and anxiety symptoms of patients with epilepsy and migraine [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Common Low HDL, the most common type of dyslipidemia in Birjand studies: it is necessary to study: Letter to Editor [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Complement system Effects of high intensity intermittent exercise on serum Immunoglobulin’s and Complement system response in youth soccer players [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Complication Evaluation results of using sole Ilizarov fixator in Pilon fractures [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Congenital anomalies Frequency of lumbosacral disraphisms in asymptomatic adults applying for employment in Birjand (2006-2007) [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Congenital heart disease A case report of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension associated with antiphospholipid syndrome [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Congenital long QT interval A case report of Jervell and Lange-Nielson (JLN) Syndrome [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Continuous care model. The effect of educational intervention based on continuous care model on self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetics [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Control The impact of workplace intervension on controling hypertension [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Copper Nutrition status; zinc, iron and copper serum levels and their relationship with some dietic and anthropometric parameters in the students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Coriandrum Sativum L Effect of Coriandrum sativum L. extract on lead excretion in 3-7 year old children [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Corneal Evaluation of indication and related causes of keratoplasty during 2 years in Emam Reza and Vali-e-Asr hospitals of Birjand [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Coronary heart disease Relationship between coping ways with stress and levels of IL-1β and cortisol in coronary heart disease patients [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Coronary steal phenomenon. Incidence of lateral costal artery, a branch of left internal mammary artery in coronary artery bypass grafting [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Cosmetic Investigation heavy metals levels in eyebrows cosmetic in Birjand: study of lead and cadmium levels (2017) [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Criminogenic Cognitions Investigation of factor structure, validity and reliability of the Criminogenic Cognitions Scale in students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Cutaneous lesion slides Molecular identification of cutaneous leishmaniasis agents in Birjand, Iran [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Cytokines Interleukin-33 and interleukin-18 serum levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: DREEM model Medical students' perspective of Clinical Educational Environment of Hospitals Affiliated with Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Based on DREEM Model [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: DSCR9 gene Study of lncRNADSCR9 expression rate in colorectal cancer patients [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Dashtestan county Prevalence of behavioral disorders and its related factors among primary school students Dashtestan county, 2016 [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Deep Neural Network Detection and classification of skin cancer using deep learning [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Defecation Effect of Glycyrrhiza glabra (D-reglis tablet) on pain and defecation of patients with irritable bowel syndrome [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Delayed complications Therapeutic effect of cyclosporine on delayed pulmonary complication due to mustard gas in mice [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Delphy Method Preparation of protocol for removing physical, psychological, environmental and social barriers of physical activity in pregnant women [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Dental amalgam Mercury Release from Dental Amalgam Restorations after Exposure to Microwave Radiation Emitted from Mobile Phones [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Dental microleakage Comparison of microleakage between flowable nanocomposite, flowable Composite and Conventional sealant in fissure sealant therapy of the permanent teeth: an in- vitro study [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Dentist Evaluation of urinary mercury concentrations in general dentists and restorative specialists in Mashhad in 2010 [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Depression Effect of assertiveness training on self-esteem and depression in students of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Desirable Status An enquiry into the current and the desirable status of professors’ professional ethics from the perspective of students in Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Dexamethasone The effect of dexamethasone on reducing postoperative nausea and vomiting following tonsillectomy [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Diabetes Survey of myocardial perfusion scan findings using Tc99 m in patients referred to Birjand nuclear medicine in 2012 [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Diabetes Study of root aqueous extract of Prosopis farcta effect on wound healing of diabetic adult male rats [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Diabetes Perceived self-efficacy in self-care behaviors among diabetic patients referring to Yazd Diabetes Research Center [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Diabetes Type 2 The effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on rumination and glucose index of type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Diabetic rats The role of aerobic training and Pistacia atlantica extract on the levels of protein carbonyl, heat shock protein 70, and glycogen in the liver tissue of diabetic rats [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Diagnostic accuracy Chest X ray diagnostic accuracy in heart failure of dyspnic patients referring to the emergency ward [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Diagnostic value Evaluation of diagnostic value of procalcitonin in pediatric acute pyelonephritis [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Dialysis Effectiveness of psychological rehabilitation, using Dohsa-Hou, on hemodialysis patients’ depression, anxiety, and stress in Zahdan city [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Dialysis adequacy. Dialysis adequacy in chronic hemodialysis patients in educational center Vali-Asr in Birjand [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal of Dissolved Organic Carbon from aqueous solution by Fenton Oxidation Process [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Divorced Women The investigation adjustment status post-divorce and related factors in divorced women supported by the Birjand-based Relief Committee in 2018 [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Donor COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and approaches in blood transfusions [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Dontogenic tumor A Report of ameloblastic carcinoma case in the mandible [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Doxycycline Comparison of Brucellosis anti-antibody levels following treatment with Streptomycin + Doxycycline and Rifampin + Doxycycline [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Drug Resistance Identification and sequencing of bla CTX-M genes in clinical isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae from Milad hospital [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Drug side effects Hearing impairment in patients with major thalassemia in Southern Khorasan Province, 2007 [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Dyslipidemia Study of serum lipid and lipoprotein levels in patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: ESBL. Characterization of multi-drug resistant ESBL producing nonfermenter bacteria isolated from patients blood samples using phenotypic methods in Shiraz (Iran) [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Educating. Diabetes type II. The effect of walking educational program on knowledge, attitude, performance, and blood sugar in women with type II diabetes [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Education Effect of nutrition education during puberty on nutritional knowledge and behavior of secondary School female students in Birjand in 2012 [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Educational Status Studying the Status of Accepted Students of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences 2016- 2017 [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Educational development Evaluation of faculty members by students with different educational development [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Educational failure Prevalence of migraine and its relationship to educational performance in adolescents of Brijand city (2010) [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Educational intervention Planning and evaluation of an educational intervention programme to improve life quality in patients after coronary artery bypass graft-surgery according to PRECEDE-PROCEED model [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Educational models The Effectiveness of Clip-Based Education on Academic Learning and Satisfaction in Microbiology Course of Health Students [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Educational regulations. Viewpoint of medical students on efficacy of educational regulations and training program of internal medicine department in Vali-e-asr hospital (Birjand, Iran), 2014-2016 [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Efficacy of leadership style The effect of “Expectation based managerial competency acquisition in nursing model” on nursing staff empowerment and efficacy of leadership style [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Egg Prevalence of salmonella contamination in locally (non-industrially) produced eggs in Birjand (2006) [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Elderly. The Effect of Magnesium Supplementation on Primary Insomnia in the Elderly [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Electro Convulsive Therapy Comparison of two anesthetic induction methods:ketamin and thiopental Na for ECT in major depression disorder patients [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Electrophysiological responses SNI model Behavioural and electrophyasiological responses in neuropathic pain model of spared nerve injury in the male adult rats [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Electrophysiological test Determination of diabetic- polyneuropathy prevalence through clinical examination and electrodiognostic findings [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Electroporation Isolation and cloning of Helicobacter Pylori ureE gene into pIRES2-DSRed expression vector to generate a gene vaccine [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Endoscopy Association between Helicobacter pylori infection with coronary heart disease [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Endothelial Permeability The effect of dietary L-Arginine on aortic endothelial permeability and level of blood lipoprotein in high-cholesterol fed rats [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Endotracheal tube Comparison of intratracheal and intravenous lidocaine's effect on airways responses during extubation [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Entrepreneurs Analysis of Teaching and Learning Strategies in Medical Education Curriculum with Entrepreneurship Education Approach [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Enzymatic activity [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Epidemiology Seroepidemiology of hepatitis E in mental retardation in Birjand city in 2017 [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Epidemiology. Epidemiology of tracheotomy cases in Birjand,s Hospitals during 2000-2007 [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Epistaxis Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma in the Sinonasal Region: A Case Report [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Essential oil Comparison of antioxidant and antibacterial activities of various herbal essential oils: An In vitro study [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Ethosuximide Effect of ethosucximide on the reduction of neuropathic pain due to chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve in rats [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Euthyroidism Effect of Levothyroxine Therapy on Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody Level in 20-50 year old females with Hashimoto’s disease [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Evaluation. The need for reviewing log books in Birjand University of Medical Sciences clinical wards: Letter to Editor [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Exercise Evaluation of the effects of aerobic exercise in the aqueous environment on heart rate variability by using Poincare plot nonlinear method [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Exercise trainings The comparison of antioxidant status and lipid profile of karate athletes with non-athletes [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Experimental model Formation of an experimental cataract model in chick embryo [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamas Antibiotic resistance pattern and identification of Extended -Spectrum Beta-Lactamase producing Gram-Negative Bacteria obtained from patients admitted in educational hospitals of Shohada Qaen [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Extension The Effect of ultrasound and duration of stretching of the hamstring muscle group on the range of passive extension of the knee joint [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Extrahepatic bile duct Abdominal Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, a case report [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Eye drop. Preparation of tacrolimus ophthalmic solution using cyclodextrins [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Factor analysis. Psychometric properties and factor structure of the child version of intellectual-practical obsessive compulsive inventory (OCI-Y) with regard to junior high school students in Birjand [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Family Support Impact of education family support behaviors on adherence to the drug patients with Myocardial Infarction [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Family history Study of myopic risk factors in myopic and non- myopic students of Birjand students of medical sciences [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Female Nurses' professional burnout and some predisposing factors [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Female students Study of health education effect on knowledge and attitude of high school female students regarding AIDS in Birjand during 2007 [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: Fetal outcome Prevalence of preeclampsia and its maternal and fetal complications in women referring to Amiralmomenin Hospital of Zabol in 2014-2015 [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Five factor pattern Personality traits of patients with myocardial infarctio A case-control study [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Flouxetine Comparison of fluoxetine with a placebo in treating postmenopausal hot flash [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Fluoride. Surveying of kinetics, thermodynamic, and isotherm processes of fluoride removal from aqueous solutions using graphene oxide nano particles [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Food allergy Food allergy [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Food poisoning A Botulism outbreak following a wedding in a suburban area of Mashhad, 2006 [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: Foot care Survey of the feet care based on Health Belief Model in diabetes type II patients referring to the Diabetes research center of Kermanshah in 2006 [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Forehead Pilomatrix carcinoma: Third case report from Iran [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Forensic genetics Investigation of allelic frequency and forensic genetics parameter for 10 STR loci in Arab and Kurd ethnics of Iran [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Fsinger print Quantitative and qualitative dermatoglyphic patterns in patients with atopic eczema,vitiligo ,and acne vulgaris [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Functional Etiology of chronic constipation and related causes in children referred to Boo-Ali Sina Hospital in Sari between 2006 and 2007 [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Functionalized carbon produced from rice husk Investigating the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions by functionalized carbon derived from rice husk [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: GABA A receptor The effect of GABA A receptor antagonist - bicucullin - administration on the number of multiform neurons in the brain parabrachial nucleus due to pain induction of adult male rats [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Genetic counseling. Assessment of Health Belief Model (HBM) impact on knowledge, beliefs, and self-efficacy of women in need of genetic counseling [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Genitalia The epidemiologic study of the neoplasms in the internal genital system of women referring to pathologic centers in Birjand (1996-2006). [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Giardicidal effect In-vitro giardicidal effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Asafoetida on Giardia lamblia cyst [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Glycoconjugates Effects of aqueous fraction of Anethum graveolens L. (dill) extracts on fertility and terminal sugar of female rat's reproductive system [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Grapefruit Effect of grapefruit juice on CYP2E1 gene expression in obese and control rats [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Growth The effect of health and nutrition education based on conceptual model to mothers on growth of their daughters attending junior high schools in Shiraz during 2006 [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: HBS Ag HBV, HCV and HIV prevalence among - south Khorasan prisoners [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: HBs-antibody Anti HBs level in nursing staff of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: HESA-A Toxicity evaluation of an antitumor marine compound (HESA-A) in mice and rats [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: HSV1 antibody Prevalence of anti-herpes simplex virus type 1 among dental students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran, 2017-2018: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Hamadan An enquiry into the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risk factors among Hamadan-based bakers in 2017 [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Head and Neck Epidemiology of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in birjand city, between 2008 and 2017 [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Health Instructions Evaluation of the observance of health protocols and requirements of the environmental and occupational health center against COVID-19 in men’s hairdresser salons of Birjand, Iran, in 2020 [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Health belief model The effect of a training curriculum on attitude of female students about breast self examination by using health belief model (HBM) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Health education Women’s prospect of breast cancer early detection behavior: a qualitative research [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Healthy life styles Effect of health education on health coordinating volunteers of Birjand health center to promote the community healthy life styles. [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Healthy men Correlation between paraoxonase/arylesterase enzyme activities and serum lipid concentrations [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Hearing-Impaired The impact of education communication skills on emotional regulation, resilience and marital satisfaction of mothers of hearing-impaired children [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Heart Surgery Quality of life and factors related to it in cardiovascular patients after heart surgery [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Heart failure A case report of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy with complete recovery after 2 years follow-up [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Helicobacter pylori Seroepidemiology of Helicobacter pylori in patients with gastrointestinal disorders referring to Imam Reza Hospital in Birjand, Iran: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Hematologic parameters Effect of blood donation on the some of hematologic parameters and exercise performance in physically active and non-active female donors [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Hematological parameters Determine the distribution of a normal range of hematological factors in a sample of the adult population resident in Birjand- South Khorasan (2015) [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Hemodialysis The effect of self-care education on depression in patients undergoing hemodialysis [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Hemodynamic measurement Effect of intrathecal sufentanil on hemodynamic change in spinal anesthesia with lidocain 5% for cesarean section [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Heterochromia Fuchs uveitis,heterochromia,and uveitis as a coincidental finding in a case [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Histamine Cardioprotective effects of ranitidine against ischemia-reperfusion injury in mice [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Histone. Epigenetic mechanisms and their effects on cancer incidence and treatment: a review study [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Histopathology Study of subacute renal toxicity of Bisphenol A in rats [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Historical review Bioterrorism and Biological Warfare, from Past to the Present: A classic review [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Home Care Impact of Continuous Care Model on self-care behaviors of patients with Myocardial Infarction: A randomized clinical trial study [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Hormonal therapy. Endometriosis presenting as pseudocarcinomatosis: a case report [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Hospitalized patients An epidemiological study of hospitalised patients with burns in Imam Reza hospital in Birjand between2007 and 2013 [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Hot flashes The effects of electro-acupuncture in postmenopausal women with hot flashes* [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Hot plate test A comparison Comparison between analgesic effects of aqueous ethanolic extract of mentha longifolia and morphine in male rats [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Hydroalcoholic extract Effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Berberis vulgaris L. fruit on the amount of angiogenesis in the chorioallantoic membrane of chicken embryos [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Hymenocrater. A Comparative in-vitro study between the interaction of aqueous extracts of Ephedra, Nepeta, and Hymenocrater with histone proteins [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Hypercholestromia Effects of feeding Alfalfa on lipoproteins and creating fatty streaks in hypercholestrolemic rabbits [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Hypereuryprosopic Ethnic factors and face shapes in 17 – 20 year olds in Gorgan (Northern Iran) [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Hyperlipidemic rats Effects of black grapes juice extract on the blood biochemical factors in alloxan-induced diabetic and hyperlipidemic rats [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Hyperparathyroidism Chest pain in a 56 year old female with neglected primary hyperparathyroidism, Case Report [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Hypertension National project of blood pressure control: Do's and don't's [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Hypertension. Management of blood pressure in Parkinson's disease: Need for special attention of a neurologist [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Hypertensives Impact of corrective life style educational program on controlling stress, anxiety ,and depression in hypertensives [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Hyperthermia An animal model for febrile seizure induction using hot water bath [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Hypoglycemia Evaluation of clinical manifestation, laboratory data and precipitating factors in patients with Diabetic ketoacidosis in educational and medical care center of Booali Sina in Ghazvin (1999-2004) [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: ICD Factors influencing the status of appropriate and inappropriate shocks delivered by an implantable cardioverter defibrillator [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: ICD-10 Prevalence of ophthalmic problems in Birjand hospitals (1994-2001) [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: IUMS Evaluation of Patients Satisfaction in Hospitals under Iran University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: IgG. Epstein-Barr virus and herpes simplex infection assessment in schizophrenia and bipolar patients compared to healthy subjects [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Immobilization Stress Effect of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) extract on spatial memory in rats exposed to chronic restraint stress [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Implementation of Curriculum Factors Affecting Adoption of Curriculum Innovations in the Iranian Higher Education System [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: In-vitro Evaluating the solubility of metal ions in cement dust within lung alveoli through in-vitro method [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Incidence Density Evaluation of Nosocomial Infections in Imam Hossein(as) Hospital of Shahrood, 2005 [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Inducible nitric oxide synthase Study the anti-inflammatory effect of Rose Bengal in LPS-activated macrophages in dark [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Infectious disease A Study of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among female prisoners in Birjand [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Infectious diseases Common infections of elderly patients admitted in Bou Ali Sina teaching hospital [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Influenza Influenza vaccination [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Information processing The neuropsychological impacts of addictive drugs on the addicts in Shiraz [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Insulin Comparison of the effects of two diets (low-glycemic index and low-fat) on weight loss, body mass index, glucose and insulin levels in the obese women [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Insulin Effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Aloe vera and Teucrium on serum glucose and lipid profile in streptozotocin diabetic male rats [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Insulin Resistance. Effect of eight weeks aerobic periodic training with increasing intensity on insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and insulin resistance in middle-aged women with type 2 diabetes [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Insulin Resistant The Effect of Different Doses of Vitamin D Supplementation on Insulin Resistance in ovariectomized rats [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Insulin resistance The effect of alpha-lipoic acid on insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Insulin resistance. The effect of a four week aerobic training on serum levels of irisin and insulin resistance in women with type 2 diabetes [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Intense exercise activity. The effect of Barberry Juice supplement on Prostaglandin E2 level caused by intense aerobic activity in active young girls [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Intention Application of Theory of Planned Behavior in Predicting of effective Factors on heterosexual relationship in girls Adolescence of Birjand city [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Intention. Behavioral Intention Model (BIM) application in productivity behaviors of employed women in Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Inter observer agreement Assessment of efficiency and reproducibility of Sydney system in chronic gastritis grading [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Intoxication A report of a body packer and successful treatment of him [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Intraoperative diagnosis Comparison between diagnostic results of cytology and frozen section with intraoperative histopathology [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: Intravenous Immunoglobulin Evaluation of rational prescription pattern of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) based on FDA-approved indications among teaching hospitals in Birjand [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Invasive cervical carcinoma Association between the common methods of contraceptive use and invasive cervical carcinoma [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Iran Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the adults of central of areas of Iran (as part of "Isfahan Healthy Heart Study") [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Iran Evidence-based care in Iran: A Systematic Review [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Iran Repairing effects of Iran flora on wound healing [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Iris prolapse A case report of ophthalmorrhagia caused by leech attachment [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Iron oxide. The efficiency of magnetic carbon activated by iron oxide nanoparticles in removing of Cu (II) from aqueous solutions [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Isfahan Prevalence, clinical, biochemical and sonographic characteristics of thyroid incidentaloma in Isfahan in 2006 [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Journal Article Collaborative Citation Analysis and Accuracy Degree of Vancouver Style Application in References Of The Scientific Journal of Birjand University Of Medical Sciences: Short Communication [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Jujube Fruit. Effect of Ziziphus Jujube fruit on serum levels Tumor necrosis factor alpha and Interleukin-6 in sedentary men Following the implementation of the Wingate test [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Kerman Investigation of Road Accidents and Their Related Factors from the Perspective of Kerman Intercity Taxi Drivers during 2013-2015 [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Khoramabad Risk factors for upper gastrointestinal bleeding in patients referred to the Shohada Ashayer Khoramabad in 2011: Short Communication [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Ki-67 Immunohistochemical study of cell proliferation marker (Ki-67), estrogen, and progesterone receptors expression in breast carcinoma [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Kidney Cytotoxic assessment of silver nanoparticles in embryonic development and kidney tissue in pregnant mice [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Kidney Transplantation Correlation between Serum level of Troponin I and High Sensetive CRP in Renal transplant Patients [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Kidney transplant Factors associated with Cyclosporine A-induced gingival enlargement in kidney transplant patients [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Kinetic. Efficacy evaluation of activated carbon prepared from date stones in cyanide adsorption from synthetic wastewater [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Kinetics Isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamics study of humic acid removal process from aquatic environment by chitosan nano particle [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Knowledge Knowledge of hypertensive patients about level of their blood pressure [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Labor Relationship between injectional oxytocin and promethazin in labor with hyperbilirubinemia on 3rd day after birth [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Lactate dehydrogenase Changes in muscle damage enzymes inactive overweight male students after exhausted aerobic and anaerobic exercise [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Latent class regression Knowledge level of the warning signs of cancer and its affecting factors in Tehran's population above 18 years [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Lavandula Angustifolia Effects of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and ‌Black tea (Camellia sinensis) herbal infusions on anxiety behavior in male rats [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Leptin The effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training on changes in the levels of leptin, adiponectin and insulin levels in male Wistar rats [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Level of literacy Effective factors on mothers' performance regarding supplementary iron-drop taking by their children in Birjand [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Levofloxacin Comparison of the effect of levofloxacin-based three-drug regimen with clarithromycin-based four-drug regimen in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in Birjand: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Life’s Essential 8 Cardiovascular Health Cardiovascular Diseases, The Leading Cause of Death in South Khorasan Province: A two-decade study: Editorial Article [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Lipid profile Comparison of some prognostic markers of cardiovascular diseases . to morning and evening Bruce treadmill test in women [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Lipid profile Study of changes in adiponectin level in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats treated with aqueous extract of berberis vulgaris [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Lipid profile The effect of long-term exercise on the secretion of serum Ghrelin in obese men [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Lipid profiles. Effect of a 10 week high intensity interval training supplemented with green tea on lipid profiles and body composition in overweight women [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Lipoblast A ten year evaluation of epidemiologic and pathologic aspects of liposarcoma in Mashhad University hospitals [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Lipoprotein The role of level and function of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) in Cardiovascular diseases [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: LipoproteinSugar Effect of Kombucha Tea on Blood Sugar and Blood Lipid Profiles in Diabetic Rats: Short Communication [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Literacy Comparison of blood pressure, smoking and body mass index in patients with cataract [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Live surgery Real-time point to point wireless intranet connection: first implication for surgical demonstration, decision making and telementoring in laparoscopy in Iran [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Liver Histologic effects of Amygdalin on the mouse liver [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Liver Effect of eight weeks of high intensity interval training and crocin consumption on the apoptotic genes expression in the liver tissue of male rats under chronic doxorubicin induction [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Liver test Comparison of the effect of three therapies on liver enzymes and lipid profiles in hypercholesterolemic rats [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Locus of control The comparison of the personality factors and locus of control in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and normal people [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Lovastatin. The effect of lovastatin and vitamin E on glomerular volume in diabetic rats [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: Lower extremity Epidemiologic study of patients with DVT in Birjand Vali-e-asr hospital- (2009-2014): Short Communication [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: MBC Anti-bacterial effect of Mentha spicata L. essential oil on eight standard species of gastrointestinal pathogens [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: MCF-7 Cells Effect of hesperetin on interleukin-8 gene expression in MCF-7 cell line: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: MDA The effect of ginger supplement on oxidative stress induced by overweight extrinsic exertion and overweight [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: MFC Antifungal activity of in vitro aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Barije root (Ferula gummosa) [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: MMSE Surveying of estrogen and progesterone effects on electroencephalogram and mini-mental status examination (MMSE) in female patients with alzheimer's disease [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: MRI Evaluation of meniscal fluenceincidence and other menisco-ligamentous injuries in the knee MRIs of patients reffering to Imam Reza MRI center in Mashhad [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: MRI. MRI findings and clinical symptoms of patients with epilepsy referring to Valli-e-asr hospital between 2009 and 2010 [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Magnesium sulfate The role of intravenous magnesium sulfate as an adjunct in asthma attack management [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Male Rat The effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Mentha Pulegium on anxiety in male rats [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Malondialdehyde Comparison of lipid peroxidation levels in the controlled and non-controlled type II diabetic patients [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Malondialdehyde The effect of 6 weeks of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with using Nano-curcumin supplement on total antioxidant capacity and Malondialdehyde level in overweight girls [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Mammography Prevalence of breast cancer among women over 30 years in Birjand between 2009 and 2010 [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Mashhad area Molecular Identification of Leishmania Species Causing Cutaneous Leishmaniasis In Mashhad area, Iran [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Massage The effect of foot reflexology massage on the stress and neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy in women with breast cancer and genitalia [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Massage Ice massage on chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Maternal and neonatal complications Pregnancy complications related to obesity in Shahrood [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Maturation marker Chitosan nanopolymers effect in activating of mouse bone marrow derived dendritic cells [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Maximum Noise Level Recognition of the noise sources and measurement in educational hospital s General Intensive Care Unit (GICU) [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: May-Turner syndrome May-Thurner syndrome, an uncommon diagnosis for a common disease: a case report and review of the literature [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: McHover test Comparison of the disturbance in mental image of the body in patients with major depression disorder and non-depressed persons [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Mechanical Effects of endurance and resistance exercises on bone mineral density and mechanical strength of osteoporotic male rats [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Median nerve neuropathy Epidemiological study and relationship of clinical symptoms with nerve and muscle findings in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome referred to physical medicine clinic of Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2023: Short Communication [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Medical Student Barriers to quality of clinical education from the viewpoints of medical students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2018-2019 [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Medical articles Analysis of the structural quality of articles published in Iranian scientific medical journals based on the Standard of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Men Effect of intake Selenium supplementation on lipid profile and cardiorespiratory function in rest situation and subsequent an exercise session in active men [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Men Smokers The effect of education based on the Theory of Planned Behavior in smoking [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Menopause Effect of education on middle-aged women’s knowledge and attitude towards menopause in Mashhad [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Menopause Effect of Vitex on hot flash of menopausal women referred to health center of Isfahan [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Menstural status Correlation of estrogen and progesterone receptors with menopausal status in breast cancer patients referred to Omid and Ghaem hospitals [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Mental development Comparison of mental development between healthy children and those with hypothyroidism in, South Khorasan, Iran-2020 [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Mesenchymal Giant Cell Fibroma of the Tongue: A Case Report [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Mesenteric artery Evaluation of vascular effects of aqueous Crocus sativus petals’ extract in the hypertensive rats [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Metabolic syndrome Effect of moderate intensity aerobic training on cardiac autonomic system function and nitric oxide levels in middle-aged males with metabolic syndrome [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Metformin Comparison of antioxidant and analgesic effects of gallic acid and metformin in streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemic rats [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Methotrexate Increased survival rate in acute lymphoblastic leukemia treated with methotrexate by DR5 and Caspase-8 in hyperglycemic conditions [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Methylation Investigation of simultaneous of CADM1 gene methylation pattern and HPV virus quantification as a diagnostic biomarker in Cervical Cancer [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Metoclopramide A comparative study on the effects of ondansetron and metoclopramide on postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing appendectomy and cholecystectomy [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: MiR-10b The effect of regular treadmill exercise on miR-10b and Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) expression in the hippocampus of female rats [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Mice Protective role of green tea (Camellia sinensis) hydroalcholic extract on sperm parameters and testicular tissue in NMRI mice exposed to sodium arsenite [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Mice Gene regulation network fitting of genes involved in the pathophysiology of fatty liver in the mice by promoter mining [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Mice. The Effect of Citrus Aurantium Flowers Aqueous Extract on Sleeping Time and the Level of Anxiety in mice [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: Mice. Effects of Jujuba essential oil on hair follicle of the skin of Balb/c mice [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Micro dilution. The antifungal activity of cerumen in healthy people referred to Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Babol, Iran [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Microalbuminuria Relative frequency of diabetic microalbuminuria in type II diabetic patients in Birjand (2005- 2007) [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Microbial Contamination Prevalence of microbial contamination of traditional ice-creams in ice-cream supplier trade units in Birjand in 2015: Short Communication [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Microbial Infiltration. Study of bacterial contamination in different parts of the center Educational and therapeutic center in Qaen Shohada Hospital during the years 2011-2016 [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Microbial parameter Study of microbial and physicochemical parameters in public swimming pools in Birjand-Iran [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Microscopic examination Calcified amorphous tumor of the heart (cardiac CAT), A case report [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Migraine Effects of garlic extract on spreading depression in rat neocortical tissue [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Migraine. Effects of Pimpinella Anisum on spreading depression in rat neocortical tissue [Volume 17, Number 3]
:: Minimum inhibitory concentration Evaluation of antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts of Ferula gummosa Boiss plant gum: An in-vitro study [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Mitochondria genome Functional assessment of mitochondrial DNA 4977 bp deletion in peptic ulcer disease [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Mothers’ knowledge Evaluation of infants’ complementary nutrition pattern and some of its associated factors in Birjand [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Mouse Distribution of Aleuria aurantia fucose-specific lectin binding sites in neuronal projection, during mouse morphogenic periods [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Mouthwash Comparison of the effect of chamomile and chlorhexidine glucosan cleansing on dental plaque and mucosal lesions of ventilated patients in the intensive care unit [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Multiple Sclerosis The effect of family-centered empowerment model on skill, attitude , and knowledge of multiple sclerosis caregivers [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Muscle Strength Effect of saffron supplementation with resistance training on serum leptin levels, body composition and muscle strength in non-athletic young men [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Myogenic Factor 5 Effect of resistance training and dark chocolate extract supplementation on the level of plasma Myogenic Factor 5 and muscle strength in the elderly [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Myoglobin Effect of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) supplementation on muscle soreness and muscle damage factors after exercise in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Myringotomy Prevalence of bacterial causes of chronic otitis media with effusion and their drug resistance in Birjand [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: NALM6 cells Effect of berberine on the expression of membrane progesterone receptor (mPRβ) in NALM6 cells [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: NS3 Effects of hepatitis C virus NS3 protein on expression of heat shock protein 70 and Glypican3 as the markers of hepatocellular carcinoma [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Nanostructures Introduction, synthesis procedures, and applications of organic-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers in biosciences [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Nasal carrier Prevalence and characteristics of erythromycin and clindamycin resistance in nasal carriers of Staphylococcus aureus of hospital origin, Kermanshah, 2009 [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Natural Childbirth. Predictive capacity of” the theory of planned behavior” regarding the intention of having “natural childbirth” in pregnant women in Birjand [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Natural coagulants Application of Moringa Peregrina seed extract as a natural coagulant for Phenol removal from aqueous solution [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Negative and positive sign Survey of birth season in schizophrenic patients hospitalized in Sina hospital of Hamedan city between 1999-2004 [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Nehbandan city predictive power of Health Promotion Model constructs in relation to oral health behaviors among students in Elementary school students year 2016-17 [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Neonatal period A Study of Circumcision condition in Birjand city [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Nephropathy Effect of aqueous extract from rhizome of Cynodon dactylon L. Pers on lipid peroxidation and diabetic nephropathy in diabetic rats [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Nerve Repair Effect of non-autologous adipose-derived stem cells transplantation and nerve growth factor on the repair of crushed sciatic nerve in rats [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Neurological assessment Comparison of clinical findings and results of open surgury in treatment of primary and recurrent lumbosacral disc herniation [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Neuroprotection Achillea mellifolium ethanolic extract Protective effects on ventral horn of the spinal cord alpha motoneurons degeneration after sciatic nerve compression in rats [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Neuroprotective Neuroprotective effects of alcoholic extract of Artemisia herba-alba on degeneration of alpha motoneurons of spinal cord ventral horn after sciatic nerve compression in rats [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Neurosensory deafness A Case report of Wolfram Syndrome [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: New standards of WHO Prevalence of malnutrition in under 5-year old children in Birjand city in 2011 [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Newborn Intestinal Amoebiasis in the newborn Report of a rare case [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Nigella sativa Antioxidant and antimicrobial effects of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Cuminum cyminum, Carum carvi, and Nigella sativa against Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Non tuberculous meningitis Comparison of cerebrospinal fluid adenosine deaminase concentration of tuberculous and non-tuberculous meningitis [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease The effect of resistance and combined exercise on serum levels of liver enzymes and fitness indicators in women with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Nurse Migration of Medical Staff; Has the Alarm Sounded? Letter to Editor [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Nurse The relationship between teaching patient safety culture with promoting safety culture and self-efficacy of nurses [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Nurse. The comparison of the kinds of mental-social stresses of teaching hospitals’ nursing staff in Birjand between 2004 and 2014 [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Nurses Effectiveness of training nurses on the National Program for Hospital Preparedness in improving their preparedness for accidents and disasters [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Nurses Evaluation of ergonomic position during work in nurses of medical and surgical wards in Birjand University of Medical Sciences hospitals [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Nurses Investigating the relationship between spiritual intelligence and quality of life in nurses of Birjand teaching hospitals [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Nursing Lower limb varicose veins and their relationship with risk factors in nurses of the Birjand University of Medical Sciences Hospital's [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Nursing Frequency of convulsion in infants hospitalized in Zahedan pediatric hospital [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Nursing stuff Hepatitis B vaccination rates among nursing staff in Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Nutrient Effects of macro-and micro nutrients intake on blood sugar, serum triglyceride and cholesterol in type II diabetes [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Obese women Comparison between the effects of two different frequencies of aerobic exercise with the same volume and detraining period on the levels of irisin hormone, lipid profiles, and insulin resistance index in obese women with type 2 diabetes [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: Obesity Comparison of the effect of exercise with Kelussia Odaratissma Mozaff on FoxO1 Expression level in cardiac tissue of obese rats [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Occupational Correlation between iron deficiency and lead intoxication in the workers of a car battery manufacturer [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Occupational exposure Effect of universal precautions instruction on occupational exposure [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Off-pump CABG Effect of ticlopedin administration on mediastinal hemorrhage increase after off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Opium Effectiveness of group cognitive therapy about opium addict complications on attitude of adolescents with drug dependent parents [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Oral Health The application of Integrated Behavioral Model in determining preventive behaviors dental caries in mothers with 4-6 year-old children in Birjand [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Orchiectomy Study of patients operated upon for undescended testis in Emam Reza hospital, Birjand, Iran from 1994 to 2001 [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Organic Matter Performance evaluation of combined Ultrasonic-Persulfate processes in organic matter reduction of synthetic dairy wastewater [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Orthodontic treatment. Body dysmorphic disorder and anxiety in patients of in orthodontic clinics of Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2014-2015: Short Communication [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Osteomyelitis Determination of the incidence of osteomyelitis and risk factors in patients with diabetic foot ulcer in Birjand, Iran: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Osteoporosis Comparison of the effect of alendronate and pamidronate on bone density of patients with osteoporosis [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Out-toeing Comparison of agility, speed ,and power level between male junior high school students having normal/abnormal toe-out in Birjand in 2007 [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Outcomes Impact of early admission in labor on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Hajar health-care center of Shahr-e-Kord, Iran. [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Ovalbumin The protective effects of Lavandula Stoechas L. hydroalcoholic extract on blood cells in ovalbumin-induced acute asthma in BALB/c mice [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Ovary Effect of electromagnetic field on ovary and sex hormones of female rat [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Oxidative Stress Effects of two types of aerobic exercises on low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation and cardiovascular risk factors in non-active men [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Oxidative stress The effect of an eight-weeks high- intensity interval training on oxidative stress indices of heart tissue in male rats exposed to diazinon [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Oxidative stress Effect of pomegranate supplementation and aerobic training on total antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation in overweight men [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Oxidative stress Physiological importance of glutathione in health and disease [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Oxidative stress Effect of atorvastatin on hyperglycemia-induced brain oxidative stress and neuropathy induced by diabetes [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Oxidative stress The effect of chronic silymarin on serum level of some enzyme markers and tissue level of malondialdehyde in diabetic rats [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Oxidative stress Influence of Turmeric Rhizome Powder diets on decreasing oxidative stress caused by heat stress inbroiler model [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Oxygen Saturation Relationship between oxygen saturation percentage and forced expiratory volume in one second in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: PNPLA3 gene Effect of Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff extract on PNPLA3 gene expression in non-alcoholic fatty liver and control rats [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Paget-Schroetter syndrome Paget-Schroetter syndrome (Primary Upper extremity deep vein thrombosis): a case report [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Pain Evaluation of intra-articular injection of bupivacaine in combination with morphine, methylprednisolone, or alone on pain after knee arthroscopy [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Pain intensity Survey of the efficacy of antibiotic therapy on complications consequent of tonsillectomy and adenotonsillectomy [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Panoramic Radiography Evaluation of the position of mandibular third molar hidden teeth and its effect on second adjacent molar teeth in panoramic radiography in patients referring to Birjand Dental School in 2018-19 [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Parental obesity Prevalence of overweight and obesity in 2-5 year olds and its relationship with parental obesity [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Passiflora caerulea Protective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Passiflora caerulea aerial parts on cadmium chloride-induced renal dysfunction in male rats [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Patient satisfaction The association between nasal fracture treatment outcome and its causes in Mashhad Farabi hospital [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: Pediatric medical education Interns and Medical graduates' self-assessment of their attitde regarding common outpatient diseases of children in 2013 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Perceived Barrier Pap smear test among Women: An Educational Intervention Based on Health Belief Model [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Peripheral Catheter The effects of pulsatile flushing on phlebitis and peripheral intravenous catheters patency [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Peritonitis Familial Mediterranean fever in a patient with two surgical procedures of abdomen and aseptic meningitis [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Peroxidation Effect of Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) extract on lipid peroxidation and diabetic nephropathy in diabetic rats [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Phlomis cancellata Protective effect of Phlomis cancellata hydroalcoholic extract on acute acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in male rats [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Physical Tolerance The effects of cardiac rehabilitation on physical tolerance in patients after coronary artery bypass graft [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Physical activity The association between chronic diseases and physical activity in the elderly in Birjand, Iran [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Physical activity Physical activity in patients with colorectal cancer [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Physiological and Metabolic Indices The effect of physical activity on metabolic and anthropometric factors in pre and postmenopausal women [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Pistachio-nut shell Decolorization of Reactive Red 198 by means ofpistachio-nut shell ash [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Plyometric Training Bone biochemical marker response to a plyometric exercise session with and without blood flow restriction in inactive adolescent females [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Polymerase chain reaction Prevalence of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and their antibiotic resistance patterns in patients hospitalized in Birjand-based Imam Reza Hospital [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Polypharmacy Prevalence of drug interactions and its related factors in patients with epilepsy referred to Razi Hospital in Birjand [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Pomegranate supplement Effect of four weeks of pomegranate supplementation and exercise at home on cardiac electrical activity and lipid profile in overweight and obese postmenopausal women [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Pool water Genotyping of Escherichia coli isolated from human and water samples using ERIC-PCR method in Hamadan city [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Post-stroke depression Therapeutic effects of drug therapy with and without cognitive behaviour therapy in post-stroke depression [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Post-traumatic stress disorder Relationship between the post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic growth in patients discharged from the COVID-19 intensive care unit of the selected hospitals in South Khorasan, Iran, 2020-2021 [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Posterior Tibial nerve stimulation Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation in overactive bladder: application and how to do it: Letter to Editor [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Postmenopausal Effect of eight weeks water exercise with Elaeagnus angustifolia supplementation on alkaline phosphatase and calcium serum levels in overweight and obese postmenopausal women [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Postmenopausal women Effect of Gabapentin on reduction of hot flash in menopausal women [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Postoperative shivering A survey on the effect of clonidine in prevention of shivering following general anesthesia [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Poultry slaughterhouses Salmonellosis and Public Health [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Powdered milk Survey on the presence of powdered milk and neutralizers in raw and pasteurized milk in Birjand, Iran: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Practice Effect of health education methods on promoting breast self examination (BSE) [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Pre-Eclampsia A comprehensive review of the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in pregnancy based on the latest guidelines of the American Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Precede Model Application of Behavioral Analysis phase of PRECEDE Model for Quality of Life Survey in Postmenopausal women in Birjand [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Predictor Predictors of breast self-examination behavior in housewives based on trans-theoretical model [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Pregnancy Evaluation of the uterine artery resistance index by Doppler ultrasonography in pregnant women with chronic hypertension [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Pregnancy Critical periods of embryonic development and effects of teratogens: reviews [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Pregnancy Maternal -fetal attachment and associated factors in pregnant women referred to Birjand health centers (2012) [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Prehypertension Prevalence of hypertension, prehypertension and related factors among Under 40 years old health, medical and administrative staffs in Birjand, 2021 [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Prenatal diagnosis Demographical condition of neonates with congenital abnormalities under Birjand city health centers during 2007-2012 [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Preparedness Nurses The effect of educational intervention on nurses' preparedness in emergencies and disasters [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Prescription Viewpoint of physicians and pharmacists on electronic prescription service: Short Communication [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Pressure pain ¸H-reflex The effect of Sacroiliac joint manipulation on pressure pain and Hoffmann's reflex [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Preterm Effect of lullaby music listening on SPO2 in premature infants [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Prevalence Evaluation of cardiovascular risk factors in drivers of heavy vehicles in the South Khorasan ( 2009-2010) [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: Prevalence Prevalence of behavioral disorders among school children of Birjand [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Prevalence Risk factors of ocular pseudoexfoliation [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Prevalence Prevalence of cigarette smoking and evaluation of attitude and knowledge in its high school boys in Birjand, 2005 [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Prevalence The determination of small for gestational age prevalence and some of its risk factors in newborn infants of Birjand hospitals (2004) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Prevention What are the origin and route of diseases in Iran? [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Prevention Prevalence of hypertension and its risk factors in South Khorasan province in 2016 and 2021 [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Preventive behaviors Study of Corvid-19 anxiety and other factors affecting the Corvid-19 preventive behaviors in the clients of comprehensive health centers in Birjand: Short Communication [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Primary Dysmenorrhea Investigating variations of β-endorphin serum levels and pain caused by primary dysmenorrhea following a course of aerobic training with and without consumption of cumin supplement [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Primary dysmenorrhea Comparison between the effects of applying massage and ice massage to SP6 (SPLEEN6) point on severity and length of primary dysmenorrhea [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Private clinic Antifungal activity of benzalkonium chloride, dettol , and chlorhexidine on opportunistic isolated fungi from the environment and operating rooms in private clinics of Tehran in 2011 [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Probiotics Role of Lactobacilli emerged from foodstuff on Helicobacter pylori [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Prognosis Evaluation of coagulation markers in patients with brain injury, Imam Reza Hospital of Birjand, 2006 [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Prostate-specific antigen Prostate cancer with a large cystic lesion: Case Report [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Protective effect The effect of voluntary exercise on MANF level in the brainstem of Parkinsonian rats induced by 6-Hydroxydopamine [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Proteinase Evaluation of proteinase and phospholipase activity of Candida albicans strains isolated from the mouth of patients with controlled and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in Qazvin province: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Psycholinguistics A survey on language re-learning process of a patient suffering from Broca aphasia [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Psychological stress Menstrual disorders and their association with stress, cortisol levels and physical activity in athletic and non-athletic girls [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Psychometric properties Psychometric properties and factor structure of the Persian version of Mentalized Affectivity Scale [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Psychotherapy based on improving life quality. Investigation of the effect of psychotherapy based on life quality improvement on the anxiety of those suffering from complicated grief [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Pulmonary infarction Unusual atrial myxoma with pulmonary infarction manifestation [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Pulsed electromagnet. The Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy on Femoral Bone Micro-Structure in Ovariectomized Rats [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Pupil involvement Studying of clinical symptoms and precaution of oculomotor nerve palsy in diabetics [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: QT interval : Epidemiology of organophosphate poisoning, and its cardiac and pulmonary effects [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Quality management Related factors on the effectiveness of performance measurement systems in teaching hospitals of Tehran from perception of their managers in year 2010 and providing a model [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Quality of Clinical Education Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of clinical education from the students' view of Tabas School of Nursing: Short Communication [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Quality of life The effect of education on quality of life in menopausal women referring to Shiraz Motahhari clinic in 2004 [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Quality of sexual life Effect of sexual counseling based on the PLISSIT model on the quality of sexual life and emotional divorce of hemodialysis patients in the special diseases center of Birjand City in Iran: Short Communication [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Quercetin. Effect of Quercetin flavonoid on structural changes of recombinant human FGFR2b kinase domain [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: RAPD-PCR Epidemiology and Drug Susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains isolated from Patients admitted to Zabol hospitals: Short Communication [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: RT-PCR Preventing the expression of VEGFR-1 in culture medium using specific SiRNA - as a potential therapeutic method in eye neovascularization [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Radiculopathy Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of cervical root involvement among patients presenting with radicular pain: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Radiographic procedures An assessment of radiographers’ technical and protective performance in hospitals affiliated to Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2012 [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Radiography A case report of a 6-cm-long missed foreign body in the cheek of a patient [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Radiography. Calculation of the Received dose to the gonads arising from some common diagnostic radiography [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Radiologic finding Comparison of lung radiographic changes in patients with positive smear and negative smear pulmonary tuberculosis [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Rafsanjan Study of knowledge and attitude of Rafsanjanian female teachers toward prevention of osteoporosis [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Rat Effects of food diet of tomato and carrot juices on serum lipids in rats [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Rat Evaluating the effect of curcumin on Thioacetamide -induced liver in maturemale rats [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Rat Histochemical study of liver tissue changes in diabetes induced by streptozotocin in rats [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Rat The Effect of Saffron Aqueous Extract(Crocus sativus L) on Osteogenic Differentiation of Rat Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Rat Assessment of Foeniculum Vulgare L. methanolic extract effect on a model of Parkinson’s disease. induced by ICV injection of 6-hydroxydopamin in female rats, using behavioral tests [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Rat Effects of morphine and lidocaine administration into the cuneiformis nucleus of rats on acute and chronic pain modulation by formalin test [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Rat Histopathological study of the effect of Acetaminophen on healing of stomach surgical wounds in the rats [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Rat Effect of Valsartan on the hormones of Pituitary-gonadal axis Performance in mature female Wistar Rats [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Rat Evaluation of protective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Crocus sativus petals on preventing of gentamicin induced peliosis hepatis and hepatic telangiectasis in rats: short communication [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Rat Volumetric changes in the kidney of rats following administration of Methadone and Bupronorphin by Cavalier’s method [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Rat Effects of Aqueous Matricaria Recutita extract on anxiety-like behavior in rat’s model kindled by Pentylenetetrazole [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Rat Assessment of antioxidant properties of berberis vulgarris syrup and their protective effects on hepatic damages induced by CCI4 in the rat [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Rat Effects of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Peganum harmala L seeds on lipids profile in rats [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Rat Tratogenical effects of cadmium on mitochondria and nucleus of Purkinje cells in cerebellum of rat embryos by Transmission Electron Microscope [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Rat Comparing the effect of aqueous extract of green tea and catechin on gonadotropins, β-estradiol, Progesterone, testosterone and ovarian follicle in polycystic ovarian syndrome rat model [Volume 24, Number 0]
:: Rat The effect of energy restriction on biomarkers of aging and inflammation in rats [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Rat Effects of pomegranate juice on insulin and glucose in diabetic and non-diabetic male rats [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Rat Protective Effect of the Persian Gulf brittle star Ophiocoma Erinaceus extract on carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced liver damage in adult male Wistar rats [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Rat Effect of Passiflora extract on passive avoidance learning and memory in male rats [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Rat Effects of insulin and ascorbic acid therapy on plasma cu level in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Rat Evaluation of the effects of new synthetic methylquinolinone derivatives on glucose-induced insulin secretion from rats' isolated Langerhans islets [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: Rat spleen Comparison of antioxidant properties of N- acetylcysteine and vitamins E and C on diazinon-induced oxidative stress in rat spleen [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Rat. Study of the effects of aqueous extract of Anacyclus pyrethrum on seminiferous tubules in rat testis: Short communication [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Rat. Effects of Tail fat enriched diet on male Wistar rat reproductive system [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Rational use of drug Drug Prescription patterns of Physicians in South Khorasan- 2014-2015 [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Rats Effect of Aalcoholic Extract of Hop Flowers on Serum Level Pituitary-Thyroid Hormones in Adult Male Rats [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: Rats Evaluation of Anti-obesity Effects of Aqueous and Ethanolic Extracts of Pomegranate Fruit Peel Using Anthropometrical Indices in Male Wistar Rats [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Reactive oxygen species Simultaneous effect of progesterone and berberine on the level of reactive oxygen species in K562 cell [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Reactive oxygen species The application of cold atmospheric plasma technology in the brain: The potential role of reactive species in neuroprotection effects of plasma [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Reactive oxygen species. Effect of Hesperetin on the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in gastric cancer stem cells: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Reconstruction An experience with Gracilis free flap for soft tissue defect of distal tibia, Case Report [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Recovery. The Effect of Bi-Spectral Index on Recovery and Postoperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Caesarean section [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Rectal A comparative study of intravesical, rectal, axillary and oral temperatures following kidney transplantation [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Relapse of the Disease Evaluation of low doses of Azathioprine in reducing relapse and corticosteroid dependence in patients with Ulcerative Colitis [Volume 26, Number 2]
:: Related factors. Myopia progression risk factors among myopic patients in the eye clinic of Valiaser hospital in Birjand (2012) [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Relatives The assessment of possibility of using public data as a source of cancer registration. [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Renal dysfunction Protective effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Alcea rosea aerial parts on cadmium chloride-induced renal dysfunction in male rats [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Renal injury Protective effect of aerobic physical activity on mir-21 and mir-146-b changes in renal tissue of male rats exposed to cadmium chloride [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Replacement therapy Strategies for Hemophilia Treatment, a literature review of current evidence [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Reproductive Health The effect of acceptance and commitment based on the fear of delivery pain- A randomized educational trial study [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Research quality Levels of clinical evidence in published articles in Iranian Scientific Medical Journals (1994-2008) [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Reserpine Treatment with conditioned culture media with human mesenchymal stem cells on reserpine-induced thermal fibromyalgia model in rats [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Residential home Factors affecting quality of life of the elderly in the residential homes of Tehran (2009) [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Resistance training Effect of eight weeks of resistance training on the expression of klotho protein and insulin-like growth factor 1 genes in slow twitch and fast twitch skeletal muscles of aged Wistar rats [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Resistance training The effect of aerobic and resistance training on Omentin-1 and Nesfatin-1 levels in adults: A systematic review and meta -Analysis [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Resistant training Effect of resistance training on structural injuries of skeletal muscle induced by different doses of Boldenone in male rats [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Restraint stress Effects of formononetin on the expression of orexin and calcitonin gene-related peptide genes in a stress model rats [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Resuscitation Team Quality of the cardiac massage provided by special Nurses in Birjand’s hospitals, Birjand, Iran during 2019: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Resveratrol The effect of aerobic exercise along with resveratrol supplementation on myocardial AMPK and MAFbx gene expression of diabetic rats [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Retinal and nervous disorder The epidemiology of ophthalmic diseases in patients referring to the ophthalmology clinic of Vali-e-Asr Hospital in Birjand (2014 –2015) [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Rh Association of A, B, O and Rh blood groups with Vitiligo [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Rheumatoid Arthritis A Study of cardiovascular disorders in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients without symptomatic heart diseases in Mashhad Ghaem Hospital during 2007-2008 [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: Rheumatoid Arthritis Effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Ferula assa-foetida L. resin on rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in the collagen-induced animal model [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Rhinocerebral A case report of rhinocerebral mucormycosis [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Rhinoplasty Comparison of merocel and regular tampon regarding comfort and problems of patients after septo-rhinoplasty surgery [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Rice husk. The efficiency of biosynthesis silica nanoparticles at removal of heavy metals Cr and Cu from aqueous solutions [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Right hand Tremor in the right hand as the most common initial manifestation of Parkinson disease [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Right side heart failure A case of primary cardiac lymphoma in a twelve-year-old patient with right-heart failure [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Risk Factors Unexpected pregnancy and relative factors in pregnant women referring to Mashhad maternity wards in 2004 [Volume 16, Number 1]
:: Risk Factors Horse shoe retinal tear, vitreous hemorrage, macular pucker 15 months after laser in Situ keratomileusis: case report [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: Risk factor Survey of endometrial hyperplasia frequency and it’s risk factors in 40-60 year old patients who referred to Yahyanezhad hospital in Babol (2000-2003) [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Risk factors The study of post- percutaneous nephrolithotomy fever: and hazardous contributing factors [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Risk factors Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori infection and its related factors in asymptomatic children aged 9-15 in Birjand [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: Risk factors Cardiovascular diseases risk factors in people with normal body mass index and waist circumference [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Rose oil The evaluation of antimicrobial effects of five different brands of rose water, water extract of Rosa damascene in comparison with rose oil [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: ST elevation PICO-based problem solving (question-answer) of the ST-segment elevation in the aVR lead in a patient with chest pain referred to a hospital emergency department: Letter to Editor [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Sacrum Surveying subcutaneous injection of distilled water in lessening back pain in active phase of labor [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Saline lock Effect of blood sampling via saline lock on the validity of coagulation tests results [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: Sarcoidosis A clinical overview of sarcoidosis: Pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Scapular symmetry Prevalence of postural Shoulder Impairments in 10-12 Year Old Students in Primary Schools of Zahedan [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: School anxiety. The correlation between emotional intelligence and school anxiety among high school students in South Khorasan [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: School-age Consumption amount of milk and dairy products in school children of 6-11 year olds in Birjand during 2007 [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Scientific Writing The role of peer review on the improvement of the articles published in the Journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Scientometrics Evaluation of altmetrics indicators of Birjand University of Medical Sciences articles listed on the Scopus Database by using the PlumX Tool: A Scientometric Study [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Sclerorhachis Leptoclada Effect of Sclerorhachis leptoclada hydroalcoholic extract on glucose and cholesterol levels, triglyceride, as well as Serum HDL and LDL in male diabetic rats [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Sclerotherapy A comparative study of Fistulotomy and Sclerosing Agents in the management of perianal fistula: A randomized controlled clinical [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Scrap tire Application of adsorption process by activated carbon derived from scrap tires for Pb+2 removal from aqueous solutions [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Screening The needs for screening of breast cancer, based on the latest guidelines [Volume 26, Number 1]
:: Second trimester Comparison of two regimes in administration of vaginal misoprostol(every 6 hours vs every 12 hours) for second trimester pregnancy termination [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Sedentary Effect of strength training on serum levels of adiponectin, testosterone, and cortisol in sedentary lean men [Volume 20, Number 2]
:: Selenoprotein P (SeP) The effect of High-intensity interval training with Portulaca oleracea Hydroalcoholic extract on gene expression of Selenoprotein P (SeP) and insulin resistance in rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Self-Care Investigation of the effect of the family-centered empowerment model on the self-care ability of patients with colorectal cancer [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Self-Efficacy. The effect of stage of change education based on the use of pain coping mechanisms in female patients with migraine [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Self-Efficacy. The Effects of Syllabus-based General English Language Teaching on Learning English Language Motivation, Attitude and Self-efficacy in Students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Self-efficacy Investigating the effect of animation and pamphlet-based discharge program on the self-efficacy of children with asthma [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Self-hypnosis Effect of self-hypnosis on the experience of delivery fear and duration of labor in primiparity: A randomized clinical trial [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Self-regulation Factors in relation with self- regulation of Hypertension, based on the Model of Goal Directed behavior in Yazd city(2006) [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Semi-continuous Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Seprate and semi continus sewing methods during and after Heart valves Surgery [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Sepsis Report of therapeutic effects of Granulocyte colony- stimulating factor in a patient with second and third- degree burns, having leukopenia and sepsis [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Serum 25-hydroxy Vitamin D Serum 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease exacerbation: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Serum amyloid A Inter-relationships between inflammatory biomarkers and severity of angiographically verified coronary artery occlusion [Volume 20, Number 3]
:: Sex hormones The relationship of Hirsutism with polycysticovary syndrome and hormonal disorders [Volume 11, Number 3]
:: Sexual Function Effect of sex education, based on the theory of planned behavior, on the sexual function of the woman attending Mashhad health centers [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Sexual disorders Comparison of sex disorders and couple abuse among fertile and infertile women [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Sheehan’s syndrome Unusual presentation of Sheehan’s Syndrome with recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia, 8 Years Postpartum: A Case Report [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Silver nanoparticles Study of optimizing the process of Cadmium adsorption by synthesized silver nanoparticles using Chlorella vulgaris [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Silver-methenamine stain The changes in basement membrane and distribution of reticular fibers in benign hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma of prostate [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Sirtuin 1 Effects of exercise training on sirtuin 1 protein levels and lipid profiles in adults with and without chronic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis [Volume 31, Number 0]
:: Sjogren's syndrome A rare presentation of Sjogren's syndrome with ascites and liver fibrosis in a young woman: a Case report [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Skeletal muscle Morphometrical Study of skeletal muscle in diabetic mice [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Skin disease Vitiligo and its demographic characteristics in patients referring to dermatology clinic of Vali-e-Asr educational hospital of Birjand between 2002-2007 [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Sleep disorders The effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training and sleep regulation on resistance and sensitivity of insulin, body fat percentage, and reaction time in adolescent girls with sleep disorders [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Smokers Comparison of uric acid concentration and plasma antioxidant capacity in young smokers and non-smokers [Volume 16, Number 2]
:: Smooth muscle Investigating the relaxant effect of aqueous-alcoholic extract of Melissa Officinalis on smooth muscle of isolated rat trachea and its potential mechanisms [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Snake venom Snake venom proteins and coagulopathy caused by snakebite [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Social determinants of health Environmental and social factors associated with the spread of Covid-19:- A review study [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Social support The effect of midwife’s supportive care during labor on exclusive breastfeeding in primipara women [Volume 17, Number 2]
:: Socket Microscopic examination of the effect of bromelain on the healing of tooth extraction sockets in an animal model [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Sodium Valproate Comparison of efficacy and safety of levetiracetam, sodium valproate, and nortriptyline in the prevention of migraine headache [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Software The Necessity of Preventing Venous Thromboembolism in Pregnancy: Designing an Application Software [Volume 26, Number 4]
:: Soleus Muscle The effect of the eight weeks of high intensity interval training and low intensity continuous training along with Citrus aurantium extract on tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 in soleus muscle tissue of aged female rats [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Sour tea extract Anti-cancer effects and molecular mechanisms of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in the human cellular model (A549) of lung cancer [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: South Khorasan Farmers' knowledge of occupational poisonings in South Khorasan, 2009 [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: South Khorasan Comparison of salt content in breads offered in bakeries in South Khorasan province in 2014-2018 [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: South Khorasan Evaluation of fluorine concentration in drinking-water sources in South Khorasan (2008-2009) [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: South Khorasan Province Composition evaluation of the tallow and meat fatty acids of the cattle and determining their atherogenesis and thrombogenesisindexes in South Khorasan Province [Volume 21, Number 4]
:: South Khorasan province Fauna and frequency of hard ticks of livestock in South Khorasan province in 2018: Short Communication [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: South Khorasan province Management of coronavirus (COVID 19) in South Khorasan province [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: South khorasan Prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism In South Khorasan province (2006-2010) [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Spatial memory Dried lemon peel extract improves memory and reduces anxiety-like behavior in rats exposed to chronic immobilization [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Specificity Evaluation of blood PCR in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: Specificity Evaluation of diagnostic validity of Wright's serologic test in Brucellosis [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Sperm Semen bacterial contamination: Antibiotics susceptibility pattern and standard sperm parameters in men of Birjand, 2017 [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Sperm motility Investigation of different etiologies of infertility in patients referred to Birjand infertility center, 2021-2022 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Spinal anesthesia Comparison between fentanyl and sufentanil analgesic effect on spinal anesthesia [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Spirituality The relation between meaning in life and general health among staff of Birjand University (2009-2010) [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: Spirulina Effect of Spirulina platensis green-blue algae consumption, and circuit resistance training (CRT) on lipid profile in overweight and obese middle-aged men [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Spondylitis Brucellosis Spondylodiscitis: A case report [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Spondylolisthesis Comparison of lumbar specific stabilization exercises and general exercises in reducing pain and disability in patients with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Staff Factors affecting physical activity behavior based on Transtheoretical Model in the employees of Birjand universities in 2014 [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Staff Job stress in the staff of a tire factory [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Staphylococcus aureus Comparison of antimicrobial effect of Cichorium intybus L. with Gentamicin and Cephalexin [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Sterilization An evaluation of the performance of autoclave devices in the sterilization process using biological method in dental Clinics of Birjand in 2019: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Sterols Antifungal effects of various extracts from three Artemisia species against dermatophytosis fungal agents [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Streptococcus mutans Antibacterial effect of glass ionomer cement containing metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, or penicillin V on Streptococcus mutans [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Streptozotocin Anti-diabetic effects of hydroalcohlic juglans regia male flower extract on blood glucose level and on liver enzymes activity in intact and diabetogenized adult male rat [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Stress coping Strategies. Comparison of alexithymia scale and stress coping strategies in addicts under methadone treatment and those without treatment programs [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: Stress coping strategies The relationship between level of stress and hypertension- overcoming strategies [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Stretching Exercise Investigating the impact of physical-mental exercises on depression after preterm delivery: A clinical trial [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Stroke. Effect of mirror therapy on walking ability in patients with stroke [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: Stroke. Evaluation of oxidative stress and homocysteine level in patients with acute myocardial infarction: a case-control study [Volume 23, Number 2]
:: Student Investigate the level of student's interest in their field of study and the effective factors on it, from the viewpoint of students of the Zahedan University of Medical Science in 2018 [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Student The prevalence of computer game addiction and related factors in male adolescent of Gonabad in 2018 [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Students Effect of “Healthy Heart Education Program” on the Knowledge and attitude of Junior high School Students regarding Cardiovascular diseases in Birjand during 2011 [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Students The role of five big personality factors in predicting psychological well-being [Volume 18, Number 2]
:: Students Iron supplementation consumption behavior predictors based on the Health Belief Model among 9th-grade female students of Birjand in 2018 [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Students The investigate of the prevalence of Bitewing and Periapical radiography errors prepared in the radiology department of the faculty of dentistry birjand university of medical sciences in 2017-2018 [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: Students The effects of regular aerobic exercise on the novel and traditional predicting indexes of cardiovascular diseases in young men [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Students Evaluation of knowledge, attitude, and performance of elementary school students in Birjand about oral health in 2016 [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Students. Relationship between IQ, cultural intelligence and self-monitoring in the students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 23, Number 3]
:: Students. Investigation the rate of knowledge, attitude and the performance of high school girl students of the second period in Birjand city about diabetes and related factors to it in the education year 2016-2017 [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Stunting Prevalence of malnutrition in under 6- year old children in South Khorasan in 2006 [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Suburban villages The influence of performing "The Health Communication Plan" in suburban villages on the health knowledge and attitude of rural women [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Sulforaphane Evaluation of biological activities of raw and cooked Brassica oleracea sprout extracts rich in bioactive compound Sulforaphane [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Superoxide dismutase enzyme Effect of acetyl L carnitine on oxidative stress markers in hippocampus of epileptic rat [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Surgical duration Frequency of port infection after laparoscopic cholecystectomy and its relationship with BMI in hospitals of Babol University of medical sciences [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Susceptible-dose dependent. Characterization of blaCTX gene and Cross-resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated from Hospitalized Patients [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Suture Comparison between subcuticular and interrupted transdermal wound repair on wound infection after suppurative appendectomy [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Symptoms of MS disease Effects of self- care program education of patients on complications of multiple sclerosis [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Systematic Review Hepatitis B vaccination coverage of physicians and nurses in Iran: A systematic review and meta-analysis study [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: T-ARMS-PCR. Comparison of AGTR1 rs5186 (A1166C) Polymorphism between Coronary Artery Disease Patients and Normal Subjects: a Case Control Study [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: TLR5 gene Relationship between the TLR5 -1174C>T Polymorphism in Patients with peptic ulcer and Helicobacter pylori infection in Mazandaran province [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: TNF-α Effect of intermittent running training on ‎serum TNF-α level and insulin resistance in a rat model of metabolic syndrome [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: TP53 Upregulation of miR-155 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in chronic myeloid leukemia [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Tanacetum bodjnordens Neuroprotection effects of ethyl acetate and n-butanol fractions of the hydroalcoholic extract of Tanacetum bodjnordens on sciatic nerve compression in male rats [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Targeted Drug Delivery Application of mesoporous silica nanoparticles for drug delivery to cancer cells [Volume 27, Number 3]
:: Targeted delivery The protein-nanoparticle interaction (protein corona) and its importance on the therapeutic application of nanoparticles [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: Teaching hospital Survey of socio-psychological stresses among nurses working in Birjand teaching hospitals in 2004 [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Teaching hospitals Investigating job satisfaction among nurses in teaching hospitals of Birjand in 2004 [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Teicoplanin Investigation of the rational use of teicoplanin in inpatient wards of teaching hospitals in Birjand, Iran, from 2022 to 2023 [Volume 31, Number 4]
:: Teratogenic effects Macroscopic study of teratogenic effects of long term consumption of acetaminophen before and during pregnancy in mice fetuses [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Term Infants. The effect of non-nutritive sucking on Physiological and Behavioral Pain Responses Caused by First Turn Hepatitis B Vaccine in Term Infants [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Testes Study of histological changes in the testes and sperm parameters of the mice after contusive spinal cord injury [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Testicular torsion Clinical findings of hospitalized patients with a primary diagnosis of testicular torsion in Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Babol from 2012 -2021: Short Communication [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Testis The effects of liraglutide on the characteristics of blood parameters and testicular tissue induced diabetes and obesity in mice [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Testosterone Effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of melon seeds (Cucumis melo L.) on the pituitary-gonadal axis and testicular tissue changes in adult male rats [Volume 30, Number 2]
:: Tetanus Assessment of tetanus immunity in elderly people over 60 years old in Birjand, Iran, 2018-2019: Short Communication [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Tetralogy of Fallot Genomic and bioinformatics analysis of nucleotide changes in the coding regions of the CCDC103 gene in patients with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF): A type of Congenital Heart Defects [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: The Lord Relationship between depression and level of reliance on God in Birjand university students. [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: The South Khorasan Province Incidence of Phenylketonuria in Southern Khorasan (2012- 2014): Short Communication [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Theory of Planned Behavior Effect of curriculum based on theory of planned behavior, on components of theory in patients with hypertension [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Theory of planned behavior Effect Of Relaxation Education, Based on Theory of planned behavior On students’ painful dismenorrhea [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: Theory of planned behavior Evaluating the effect of educational intervention based on Theory of Planned Behavior on prenatal care of addicted pregnant women [Volume 23, Number 1]
:: Thermodynamics Evaluation of graphen oxide nanoparticles efficacy in chromium and lead removal from aqueous solutions [Volume 22, Number 1]
:: Thiopental (Pentobarbital) Effect of using garlic before anesthesia on the process of anesthesia with Halothane and Thiopental in male mice [Volume 14, Number 4]
:: Thrombogenic index Influence of different layer rations on atherogenesis and thrombogenesis indices in egg yolks [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: Thymoquinone Evaluation of the antifungal effect of thymoquinone on standard Candida strains and cytotoxicity on the fibroblastic cell line, in vitro study: Short Communication [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Tile factory Abstract: Evaluation of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Zn, Pb) concentration in effluent & sludge of a tile factory in Birjand 2011 [Volume 20, Number 1]
:: Tolerance Evaluation of the effect of Ferula gummosa essential oil on morphine tolerance and dependence in male mice [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Tooth Length The study of prevalence of maxillary incisor forms among dentist faculty students and patients of Shahed University: 2014 [Volume 22, Number 4]
:: Total Antioxidant Capacity Effect of four weeks home workout plan training and pomegranate supplementation on oxidative stress in overweight and obese postmenopausal women [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Total antioxidant activity Antioxidant properties of pomegranate juice and its scavenging effect on free radicals [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Toxic effects A review on the delayed complications of sulphur mustard poisoning [Volume 12, Number 3]
:: Training Design and production of a learning tool for training opportunities related to mechanical ventilation simulator: Lung Box [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: Trans- Sphenoidal Surgery (TSS) Inappropriate unilateral adrenalectomy in two cases of Cushing’s disease (Pituitary adenoma) [Volume 15, Number 2]
:: Transcription factors Communication network between pluripotency factors in Embryonic Stem Cell-like cells and their role in testicular germ cell cancer [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Trauma Study of the musculoskeletal injuries of different organs in patients referred to Seyyed Mostafa Khomeini Hospital in Tabas, Iran, From 2018 to 2023: Short Communication [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: Treatment A comprehensive overview of the diagnosis and treatment of hypertension based on the latest hypertension guidelines [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Treatment Local therapies in cutaneous leishmaniasis: a review study [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Trend Age changing patterns of hospitalized patients with acute myocardial infarction in Babol Shahid Beheshti Hospital (1992-2001) [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Triglyceride Comparison of common cardiac factors among addicted and non-addicted older adults in Birjand [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Tropical spastic paraparesia HTLV1 infection in the world and Khorasan [Volume 15, Number 1]
:: Tuberculosis Relationship between anthracosis and pulmonary tuberculosis in patients examined through bronchoscopy [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: Tuberculosis transmission. Comparison of Molecular methods in the Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha Effect of periodic of resistance training on lipid peroxidation and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the heart tissue of male rats exposed to stanazol [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: Tyler’s Model Investigating the Quality of General English Language Course Curriculum Based on Tyler’s Model from the Students’ Perspective at Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2016 [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus The effect of family-centered care on adherence to treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Type 2 diabetes The effect of a training program for family caregivers on supportive and obstructive behaviors of families with type 2 diabetes [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: Type 2 diabetes Relationship between trust in God and self – efficacy With mental health in type II diabetics [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: Ultrasonography Breast hematoma simulate as carcinoma: A case report and a review of the literature [Volume 13, Number 4]
:: Ultrasound A review of novel methods of reducing oil absorption in fried food products [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: University libraries Survey of the Knowledge and use of the library's Information Section among users of the Central Library of Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: University of Medical Sciences An exploration of the organizational structure components of universities of medical sciences in transition to third generation university [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: University students Relationship of physical self concept and athletic performance in male medical students in Birjand University of Medical Sciences [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: Unstable angina Effectiveness of an educational program on knowledge and attitudes of angina patients in Mashhad, Iran: Results of an intervention [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: Urea Breath Test. The Effect of Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) on Eradication of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Patients Afflicted in Birjand [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Urine culture The investigation of newborn septicemia in Valiy-e-Aser Hospital of Birjand [Volume 11, Number 4]
:: Urine drug screening tests Retraining over the principles and mechanisms involved in the occurrence of false results from urine drug screening tests: Adulteration and strategies to defeat [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: VAMP-2 Effect of metformin on the expression of SNARE proteins in the skeletal muscle of rats with type 2 diabetes [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: VEGF The serum changes of vascular endothelial growth factor and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase factors after a period of combined and aerobic physical activity in elderly men [Volume 31, Number 2]
:: Vaccination Priority of the elderly and patients with chronic diseases in COVID-19 vaccination: Letter to Editor [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Vaccination Explanation of the experiences of reluctance towards vaccination against COVID-19: A qualitative study [Volume 29, Number 4]
:: Validity Reliability and Validity of OSCE in Evaluating Clinical Skills of emergency Medicine Students of Birjand university of Medical Sciences [Volume 18, Number 4]
:: Variant Association of G22A variant of Adenosine Deaminase gene with coronary in-stent restenosis in coronary artery patients receiving drug-eluting stent [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Vascular event The first hospitalization after recovery from COVID-19 and its relationship with Remdesivir treatment: Short Communication [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Ventricular activity Reduction of cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury by curcumin in high-fat diet-fed rats [Volume 30, Number 3]
:: Vertical transmission Possible vertical transmission of COVID-19 from mother to the newborn; a Case Report [Volume 29, Number 2]
:: Viola odorata oil Comparison of the topical effect of Aloe vera and violet with hydroxyzine on dry skin of hemodialysis patients (A crossover interventional trial) [Volume 29, Number 1]
:: Virtual reality simulation Evaluation of the effect of education of proper oral hygiene via virtual reality simulation on dental plaque in high school students [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Virulent factors. The phylogenetic study of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains in Sistan of Iran [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: Virus Treatment of COVID-19 patients using plasma therapy: Letter to Editor [Volume 28, Number 1]
:: Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) A comparative study of the effect of diclofenac ,indomethacin, naproxen, and acetaminophen rectal suppositories on post-cesarean pain [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: Vital Capacity The effect of short-term consumption of vitamin D Supplements following a session of increasing activity on respiratory parameters and toleratance to activity of women with mild asthma [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Vitamin D Protective effect of vitamin D on Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH), testosterone hormones and testicular tissue changes induced by methotrexate in adult male rats [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Vitamin D On the occasion of World Osteoporosis Day: the importance of taking vitamin D and how to take it [Volume 30, Number 4]
:: Vitamin D The effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on oxidative stress status and insulin resistance in diabetic rats [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: Vitamin D. Vitamin D status among multiple sclerosis patients in South Khorasan: a case-control study [Volume 24, Number 1]
:: Vitamin D. The effect of Iron and vitamin D supplementation on the severity of premenstrual syndrome symptoms through High school Female Students in the City of Birjand in 2015- 2016 [Volume 25, Number 3]
:: Vulvovaginitis candidiasis Investigated inhibitory effect of aqueous extract of pistachio leaf (Pistacia atlantica) on the isolates of pathogenic Escherichia coli and Candida albicans from urinary and vaginal samples [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Waterlow Prevalence of malnutrition in 1-36 month old children hospitalized in Valiyy-e-Asr Hospital of Birjand [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: Well-being Gender differences in scales of psychological well-being in Birjand state universities during the school year 2005-2006 [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: White tea Relationship between white tea and adipose tissue metabolism: The importance and necessity of future research regarding the effect of white tea on fat oxidation, compared to other Kinds of tea: Letter to the Editor [Volume 27, Number 4]
:: Wistar rats Evaluation of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) effects in preventing consequences of lead acetate in male rats [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Women Factors affecting arthritis preventive behavior in middle-aged women in Birjand using the Health Belief Model: Short Communication [Volume 25, Number 4]
:: Women Breast Cancer: A preventable disease [Volume 21, Number 2]
:: Women. The effect of body mass index and level of physical activity on motor competence women's in life span [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Work history Noise induced hearing loss among textile workers of Taban factories in Yazd [Volume 15, Number 4]
:: Working women Individual and organizational factors related to social vitality of women working in Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in 2020 [Volume 28, Number 2]
:: Workshop Comparison of workshop and virtual training methods on the quality of report writing by nursing students [Volume 31, Number 1]
:: World Health Day My health, My right: World Health Day 2024: Letter to Editor [Volume 31, Number 3]
:: World Health Organization Production and optimization of hand disinfection solution based on the World Health Organization formulation: Short Communication [Volume 27, Number 2]
:: World Heart Day World Heart Day 2012 one world,one home,one home:focus on women and children [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: Wound care Novel advancements in wound healing [Volume 21, Number 1]
:: Wound healing Evaluation of the effects of vitamin C on tympanic graft repair in tympanoplasty [Volume 13, Number 3]
:: Wound healing The effect of Malva sylvestris and Malva Neglecta aqueous extracts on the oral mucosal wound healing in Wistar rats [Volume 29, Number 3]
:: Yazd Survey of some related factors to oral health in high school female students in Yazd, on the basis of health behavior model (HBM) [Volume 15, Number 3]
:: Zabol Evaluating a health- education program in order to reduce infection to Pediculus Humanus Capitis among female elementary students [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Zahedan Determination of the best anthropometric index for predicting of lipid profile in Zahedanian overweight and obese women [Volume 14, Number 2]
:: Ziziphora clinopodioides Effect of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Ziziphora clinopodioides on apoptosis and alteration of caspase-3 and caspase-9 gene expression in anterior horn neurons of the spinal cord after sciatic nerve compression in male rats [Volume 28, Number 3]
:: Ziziphora tenuir Assessmentof phytochemical characteristics of two medicinal plants species, Ziziphora tenuir and Teucrium polium, collected from Sarbisheh region [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: ZnO-NPs Evaluation of (cytotoxicity and angiogenesis) of Zinc oxide nanoparticles Synthesized by aqueous extract of Origanum majorana [Volume 27, Number 1]
:: Zone 4 & 5 Evaluation of accuracy of preoperative examination of flexor tendons in zone 4 and 5 of hand injuries [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: Zone of inhibition Evaluation of anticandidial effects of Berberis vulgaris root extracts (ethanolic and aqueous) and comparing their effects with those of clotrimazole [Volume 13, Number 2]
:: annular pancreas Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis associated with annular pancreas Resistance to prenatal gastric emptying as an etiological factor in Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: anti-bacterial properties Evaluation of anti-bacterial effects of chorionic membranes in vitro [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: antimicrobial susceptibility The survey of bacterial etiology and their resistance to antibiotics of urinary tract infections in children of Birjand city [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: chemotherapy Cisplatin Induced Nephrotoxicity [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: clinical reasoning Comparison of the Effect of Two Clinical Education Methods SNAPPS and conventional method on the medical students' clinical reasoning skills [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: cognitive-behavioral group therapy The Effect of Cognitive–Behavioral Group Therapy on Depression in Patients with Cancer [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: cut-off point. Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Cut-off Point among Young Teenagers [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: dental floss Oral health Surveys in staff and Educational hospitals of Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2016 [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: depression The effectiveness of teaching children's executive functions through play, combined with transdiagnostic interventions of mothers' emotional problems, on anxiety, depression and sleep quality of children with learning disabilities [Volume 30, Number 1]
:: diabetics rat The acute effect of aerobic exercise on hypothalamic nesfatin-1 gene expression in diabetic male rats with Streptozotocin [Volume 25, Number 2]
:: dysfunctional attitudes Comparing the efficacy of combined Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Traditional Cognitive Behavior Therapy in reducing dysfunctional attitudes of patients with Major Depressive Disorder [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: electromagnetic field. The Synergic Effects of Atorvastatin (0/1m) and (10 m) and Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Angiogenesis [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: employed women's education The Effects of “Theory of Planned Behavior” based education on the promotion of mammography performance in employed women [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: epidemiology Demographic and clinical characteristic of febrile convulsion in children admitted in Valiasr hospital of Birjand [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: female students Relative frequency of Pityriasis versicolor and some risk factors in girl's high schools of Birjand, 2009 [Volume 18, Number 1]
:: follicular development The effects of Human ChorionicGonadotropin (hCG) on development of ovarian follicles of Balb/c race mouse [Volume 17, Number 4]
:: formalin The antinociceptive effects of rubbing Pistacia atlantica oil by formalin test in male labarotory mice [Volume 24, Number 4]
:: fungi. The survey on Bacterial and fungi contamination of herbaceous distillates that distributed in Birjand city [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: gastric adenocarcinoma Isolated Internal jugular vein thrombosis as the first presentation of gastric adenocarcinoma [Volume 23, Number 4]
:: general health. Comparison Quality of life for patients with alopecia areata and healthy individuals [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: geriatrics The effect of education about health-promoting behaviors on the knowledge of the elderly in the geriatric nursing residences in Tehran ( 2009 ) [Volume 19, Number 1]
:: gravidarum Risk Factors for Low Birth Weight in Birjand, Iran (a case-control study) [Volume 14, Number 3]
:: healthcare Personalized medicine, a new approach of the healthcare system [Volume 26, Number 3]
:: hexavalent chromium Investigation of hexavalent chromium removal from Synthetic wastewater by using Peaganum [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: hospital employees Relationship between emotional intelligence and job stress among managers and employees of teaching hospitals affiliated to Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and Health Care [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: hs-CRP. The effect of caffeine supplementation on serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and creatine kinase after exhausted aerobic exercise in active overweight university students [Volume 24, Number 2]
:: human health Importance of Fish Consumption in Disease Prevention [Volume 25, Number 1]
:: hypertrophy Hypertrophy Protective effects of atorvastatin on myocardium in hypertensive rats [Volume 19, Number 5]
:: iPTH. Correlation Between Serum Magnesium and Serum PTH Levels in Patients with Peritoneal Dialysis [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: immunohistochemistry Evaluation of relationship between p53 protein expression and histologic grading in transitional cell carcinoma [Volume 14, Number 1]
:: male Adult Rat Histological and spermatogenesis indexes study of testis after Methotrexate administration in adult male rat [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: maternal height. The Diagnostic Accuracy of the Combination of Maternal Height and Transvers Diagonal of Michaelis Sacral Rhomboid Area to Predict Dystocia in Nulliparous Women [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: miR-141 Correlation between resistance to trastuzumab and miR-141 relative expression in the BT-474 human breast cancer cell line [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: ox-LDL Evaluation of correaltion between plasma homocysteine and oxidized low-density lipoprotein in patients with coronary artery disease [Volume 16, Number 3]
:: parents Influence of education on responsibility and metabolic control of Type One diabetic patients and parents [Volume 20, Number 4]
:: pediatric Mothers' Knowledge of pediatric pain management in the pediatric ward of Valli-e-asr hospital in 2011 [Volume 19, Number 4]
:: planned behavior theory Effect of mother's education based on “Theory of Planned Behavior” (TPB) in preventing iron deficiency anemia in 4-24 month children in Ferdows city in 2015 [Volume 24, Number 3]
:: polluted water Comparison of potentiality of Zinc oxide nanoparticles and hydrogen peroxide in removal of hexavalent chromium from polluted water [Volume 19, Number 3]
:: pregnancy termination Comparison of Extra-Amniotic Normal Saline Infusion plus Hydrocortisone versus Prostaglandin E2 Suppository for Pregnancy Termination [Volume 19, Number 2]
:: public hospital Relationships between Organizational Climate and Organizational Silence with Psychological Empowerment of Employees in Hospitals Affiliated with Birjand University of Medical Sciences; 2015 [Volume 22, Number 3]
:: rat Effects of Walnut leaves aqueous extract on blood sugar and serum lipids in diabetic rats [Volume 17, Number 1]
:: rat Effects of hydro alcoholic extract of internal septum of walnut on diabetic nephropathy in rats [Volume 22, Number 2]
:: rat The effects of Hydroalcolic extract of Cyperus rotundus on nociception in diabetic rat [Volume 21, Number 3]
:: semester Three-semester planning of nursing curricula, the strengths and weaknesses [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: students Investigating the relationship between problem solving skills and academic achievement of students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2017 [Volume 25, Number 0]
:: underlying diseases Prevalence and factors related to infection and mortality due to COVID-19 among patients of Shohada Ghaen Hospital, Ghaen, Iran, 2020 [Volume 28, Number 4]
:: vomiting Bilateral spontaneous periorbital ecchymosis in a pregnant woman [Volume 16, Number 4]
:: women's health. Breast cancer and the related factors: A case control study [Volume 18, Number 3]
:: workers. Educational intervention on the health action model on Employee Safety Behaviors in Tabas coal mine [Volume 23, Number 3]

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