Volume 16, Issue 4 (January 2009)                   J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2009, 16(4): 32-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Abolhassannezhad M, Alizadeh M, Bayat M, Sharifzadeh G. Comparison of agility, speed ,and power level between male junior high school students having normal/abnormal toe-out in Birjand in 2007. Journals of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2009; 16 (4) :32-37
URL: http://journal.bums.ac.ir/article-1-529-en.html
1- M.Sc. in Epidemiology; Academic Member of Birjand University of Medical Sciences , rezamood@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (17113 Views)

  Background and Aim: Musculoskeletal abnormalities are among the factors affecting on physical activities. The aim of this study was to compare degree of agility, speed, and power between 3 groups of male junior high school students having unnatural out-toeing (i.e. two groups, one with 16-23 degrees and one with 0-6 degrees) and one natural group (7-15 degrees of out-toeing).

  Materials and Methods: The subjects of the study were 300 students (12-14 years old) whose height, weight, and angle of toe-out were initially measured using foot-print technique. Firstly, 30 students with normal toe-out were chosen then, two other groups (30 members in each) were identified applying isometry in terms of age, height, and weight. To measure agility, speed and power, 4×9 m shuttle-run, 46 m running and standing long-jump test were used, respectively. In order to analyze the obtained data ANOVA statistical test was applied using SPSS software and α=0.05 was taken as the significant level.

  Results: The results showed that mean power and agility in the group with normal/natural out-toeing was higher than that of the other two groups but the difference was not statistically significant (P<0.05). Besides, findings of the study indicated that “speed” was significantly different in the three groups (P=0.02). Toki test results indicated that the observed difference in the mean speed alone in the two groups (natural and unnatural 16-23 degrees) was significant (P=0.012).

  Conclusion: The results showed that the speed of the subjects in the angle of out-toeing had a decrease of more than 15 degrees. Regarding the obtained results it could be concluded that having natural out-toeing is an important factor in students’ speed, though it is not as important in power and agility.

Keywords: Agility, Speed, Power, Out-toeing
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Orthopedic
Received: 2009/12/14 | Accepted: 2016/03/10 | ePublished: 2016/03/10

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