Kermani T, Sabzari A, Zardast M, Varasteh A. The changes in basement membrane and distribution of reticular fibers in benign hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma of prostate. Journals of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2004; 11 (4) :9-15
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran ,
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
3- Student of Medicine, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran
4- Associate Professor, Department of Immunology, BU-Ali Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract: (16772 Views)
Background and Aim: Prostate cancer is the second most prevalent malignancy in men, which affects health, economy, and social life. The ability to predict accurately, after prostatectomy, would increase optimization of disease management, because the presence or absence of basement membrane (BM) and reticular fibers are as important as cell lines in detecting of benignancy and malignancy of cancers. This study was designed to assess the condition of the BM and reticular fibers in stroma in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and adenocarcinoma of prostate.
Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, prostate tissue samples were obtained from pathology department of Emam Reza Hospital of Birjand University of Medical Sciences. On the whole, 8 cases with BPH and 6 cases with Adenocarcinoma of prostate were used in the research.
The samples were sectioned to 5μ thickness. One out of 10 per sections was stained with H-E in order to obtain histologic diagnosis, and the others stained with silver-methenamine to detect BM.
Results: The bengin and malignant tissues showed different reaction patterns against Ag nitrate. In the malignant samples, BM and reticular fibers were not observed at newly formed periacinar and cell cords. In a few stroma between the acinars, continuous, arginophil, and thick membrane was formed. BM reticular fibers, in benign samples were thin and discontinuous expanding to stroma arginophil fibers.
Conclusion: The study showed that BM pattern is different in bengin and malignant samples, a point that is important in detecting of doubtful cases. And probably newly formed periacinar BM would restrict the malignancy distribution. We suggest these available and special BM staining methods to detect benignancy and malignancy in various tumors and the presence of BM in periacinar and pericellular areas would also be used.
Type of Study:
Original Article |
Oncology Received: 2006/09/6 | Accepted: 2014/01/9 | ePublished: 2014/01/9