sadeghi H, Jalaeefar M, Sharifzadeh G. Collaborative Citation Analysis and Accuracy Degree of Vancouver Style Application in References Of The Scientific Journal of Birjand University Of Medical Sciences: Short Communication. Journals of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2015; 22 (1) :76-82
1- Birjand University of Medical Sciences.Central Library , Birjand University of Medical Sciences ,
2- communication science National Library and Archives Organisation , Tehran ,Iran
3- member of the health center health department,Birjand University of Medical Sciences ,Birjand, Iran.
Abstract: (9917 Views)
Background and Aim: The journals are communication links between authors and subject specialists. The aim of the current study was assessing the citation analysis and accuracy degree of applying vancouver style in the references of the scientific journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional and randomized sampling investigation. A total of 168 articles which was published in the Journal of Birjand University of Medical Sciences between 2006 and 2012 were assessed. In these articles, collaboration coefficient, citation and applying Vancouver style in referencing were taken into accoun using a checklist and original references. The obtained results were analyzed. applying SPSS software(V: 18) and using T-test. Results: The articles studied had cited to 3634 sources each of which had cited to the average of 21.6 sources. The most Citation (i.e.82.3%) were to journal articles and 84.1% of the citations were to English ones. The highest percent of the articles were in the domain of health and collaboration coefficient was 0.7. Conclusion: It was found that in the bibliography Of the cited English articles, Vancouver style had not been applied completely, which should be paid attention to by scholars in their initial surveying of the articles.
Type of Study:
Short Communication |
Medical Library Received: 2014/07/5 | Accepted: 2015/03/7 | ePublished: 2015/04/21