Volume 16, Issue 1 (April 2009)                   J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2009, 16(1): 39-44 | Back to browse issues page

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Forouhari S, Safari Rad M, Moattari M, Mohit M, Ghaem H. The effect of education on quality of life in menopausal women referring to Shiraz Motahhari clinic in 2004. Journals of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2009; 16 (1) :39-44
URL: http://journal.bums.ac.ir/article-1-431-en.html
1- M.Sc in Midwifery, Instructor, Fatemeh (P.B.U.H.) College of Nursing and Midwifery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Shiraz, Iran , forouharism@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (18190 Views)
Background and Aim: Women are among the most important foundations of the family and society and the health of the community depends to a large extent, on meeting the needs of this group. One of the most critical stages of women’s lives is menopause and one of the aims of health for all in the 21st century is the improvement of the quality of life. In menopausal women, the term quality of life incorporates menopausal clinical signs such as hot flushes, night sweats, and vaginal mucosa dryness. Materials and Methods: In this quasi-experimental study, 62 women aged 44-55 years referring to Motahhari clinic in Shiraz were selected through normal sampling, and were randomly divided into two equal case and control groups (31 in each). Data was collected by means of a modified Hildich et al questionnaire on quality of life during menopausal period. Prior to and 3 months after educational intervention (in the form of group discussion), quality of life of the subjects (vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual aspects) were evaluated. The obtained data was analysed using statistical tests including independent T, and Likert transformed technique for grading and measuring quality of life at the significant level. Results: Prior to education, mean quality of life score in the case and control groups was 81.7±6.4 and 74.8±1.8 which changed to 75.3±6.7 and 75.8±1.4 respectively, three months after intervention. Statistical tests showed that the test group experienced a significant improvement in their quality of life (P=0.001). Comparison of the quality of life between the two groups before and three months after intervention revealed a significant difference between them (P=0.001). Conclusion: The study showed that four aspects of quality of life significantly changed after education and the complications of menopausal women decreased in severity, which improved their living. Thus, implementing appropriate educational programs to promote the quality of life in menopausal women is necessary.
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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Health Education
Received: 2009/07/27 | Accepted: 2016/03/10 | ePublished: 2016/03/10

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