Volume 17, Issue 3 (October 2010)                   J Birjand Univ Med Sci. 2010, 17(3): 159-169 | Back to browse issues page

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Foroud A, Foroud A, Mehdipour S. The effects of electro-acupuncture in postmenopausal women with hot flashes*. Journals of Birjand University of Medical Sciences 2010; 17 (3) :159-169
URL: http://journal.bums.ac.ir/article-1-739-en.html
1- Lecturer, Department of Midwifery, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran. , foroud@auk.ac.ir
Abstract:   (24063 Views)
Background and Aim: Hot flashes are the commonest complaint of postmenopausal women. Because of the side effects of hormone therapy, alternatives treatment methods, such as acupuncture, are used to control hot flashes. Therefore, the present study aimed to evaluate the effects of electro-acupuncture on hot flashes in postmenopausal women.
Materials and Methods: In this randomized, placebo-controlled trial, 41 postmenopausal women with hot flashes were divided to experimental and control groups. For experimental group, the electro-acupuncture was carried out but in control group, needles taped to the skin in the same of acupoint and did not pass any electricity. The treatment period was 10 weeks then patients were followed up for 3 months after the last treatment. Number of hot flashes was registered daily during 10 weeks and 3 months after the last treatment. The severity hot flashes were measured by visual analogue scale (VAS) after 2, 6 and 10 weeks of treatment and 3 months follow-up. Hormone levels (E2 and FSH) were measured at the end of treatment and 3 months after the last treatment. Then chi-square, t-test, Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests were used for data analysis.
Results: A significant difference was found in severity and number of hot flashes (except 2nd week) between two groups (P < 0.001). There were significant differences in the mean levels of FSH and E2 between groups at the end of treatment and 3 months after the last treatment (P < 0.001).
Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that electro-acupunture is a suitable method of treatment for relief of hot flashes in postmenopausal women.
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Subject: Traditional medicine and Complementary Medicine
Received: 2010/11/29 | Accepted: 2016/03/10 | ePublished: 2016/03/10

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