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XML Comparison of Azithromycin and Ciprofloxacin in treating adults' acute non amebiasis dysenter
Azadeh Erahimzadeh, Gholamreza Sharifzadeh, Zohreh Azarkar, Samira Hosseini, Tahereh Tohidi Zadeh, Mohammad Hassan Namaei *
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XML Studying of chronic multiple sequential stress effects on microscopic structure of cerebellar cortex in male rat
Farzad Rajaei *, Maryam Akhavan Tavakkoli, Hassan Azhdari-Zarmehri
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XML Effects of aqueous fraction of Anethum graveolens L. (dill) extracts on fertility and terminal sugar of female rat's reproductive system
Malihezaman Monsefi *, Farnaz Gramifar
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XML In Vitro Investigation of Antifungal Activities of Actinomycetes against Microsporum gypseum
Naser Keikha, Seyyed Amin Ayatollahi Mousavi *, Gholam Hosein Shahidi Bonjar
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Application of Moringa Peregrina seed extract as a natural coagulant for Phenol removal from aqueous solution
Edris Bazrafshan, Ferdos Kordmostafapour *, Hamed Faridi, Behnam Barikbin
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XML Efficacy evaluation of activated carbon prepared from date stones in cyanide adsorption from synthetic wastewater
Bahman Ramavandi, Behnam Barikbin, Ghorban Asgari *, Hossein Ghaedi
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XML Effect of Valsartan on the hormones of Pituitary-gonadal axis Performance in mature female Wistar Rats
Ebrahim Hosseini *, Mozhde Hjeidari
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XML Evaluation of urinary mercury concentrations in general dentists and restorative specialists in Mashhad in 2010
Majid Akbari, Fatemeh Velayati moghaddam *, Amir Ahmadi, Reza Afshari
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XML MRI findings and clinical symptoms of patients with epilepsy referring to Valli-e-asr hospital between 2009 and 2010
Mohammad Dehghani Firuzabadi, Mahyar Mohammadifard *, Alireza Mirgholami, Gholam Reza Sharifzadeh, Mahtab Mohammadifard
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence of mobile dependency and adolescence aggression
Tayyebeh Khazaie *, Alireza Saadatjoo, Samaneh Dormohamadi, Mansooreh Soleimani, Marzieh Toosinia, Fatemeh Mullah Hassan Zadeh
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessment of noise pollution indices in Birjand old districts in 2010
Nargess Moasheri, Mohammad Reza Monazzam Esmaeelpoore, Vahideh Abolhasannejad *, Mahdi Abbaszadeh, Edris Movahedi
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XML Mothers' Knowledge of pediatric pain management in the pediatric ward of Valli-e-asr hospital in 2011
Zahra Amouzeshi, Zahra Unesi *, Seyyed Alireza Saadatjoo
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XML Evaluation of protective effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Crocus sativus petals on preventing of gentamicin induced peliosis hepatis and hepatic telangiectasis in rats: short communication
Arash Omidi *, Zahra Torabi, Mohammad Hassanpoorfard, Mahmood Zardast
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Horse shoe retinal tear, vitreous hemorrage, macular pucker 15 months after laser in Situ keratomileusis: case report
Gholamhossein Yaghoobi *, Behrouz Heydari
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